chapter ten

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—𝐓𝐡𝐞 ride back was quiet, Anya and Kaz enjoyed it

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 ride back was quiet, Anya and Kaz enjoyed it. Pressed up against each other, heads overlapped, legs intertwined. Kaz had taken off his gloves, enjoying the warmth her skin transferred to his. He played with the ring Jesper gave her, feeling the spark of jealousy run through his veins, he gets an idea. Kaz moves Anya's hair off her neck and places his lips on her neck. Anya hums, tilting her head back to give him more access. She lets out a small gasp when his teeth pull on the skin. Kaz pulls back, leaving one last kiss on the spot, admiring his work. He turns her head and kisses her on the lips, Anya has no disagreements, kissing back.

Pulling back Anya says, "What was that for?"

"No reason. Just felt the need to do that." Kaz says. "I mean your initial is marked on my skin, so my lips should mark you."

"Why is my initial on your skin?"

"Are you complaining?"

"No, not at all."

"Fine, I got it because you're my girl."

Anya just presses a kiss to his lips, smiling, she pulls back, littering his face with kisses. Kaz lets out a laugh that would have made Jesper die of a heart attack, which he almost did. The two were so caught up in their own little world, that they didn't notice that the carriage had stopped. Jesper was about to open the door when he heard a laugh, knowing it wasn't Anya only left him with one option, Kaz. But why in the world would Kaz be laughing? It's simple, he was in the presence of his saving grace. She was able to bring out the Kaz that had long since died, along with his only reminder of home, Jordie. Now home was someplace else, in the presence of the brown-haired beauty. Their moment was cut off by the carriage door being ripped open. Kaz tried to wipe the smile off his face, but he was unable to. He was still running off the euphoria from their previous moment.

"What do we have here?" Jesper has a sly smirk spread across his face.

"A private moment." Kaz snaps.

"Well, Jesper baby wants some action."

"Yeah, no, goodbye." Anya presses a kiss to Kaz's lips, walking out of the carriage, taking Kaz's ugly hat with her.

Jesper turns to Kaz, "So, Anya?"

"What about her?" Kaz suddenly becomes defensive, causing Jesper to raise his hands in alarm.

"Nothing. Can't a guy ask questions?"

"No. Not about me and my girl." Kaz snaps, walking out of the carriage, making sure to hit Jesper with his cane.

"Fine. Fine. I like you better when she's around." Jesper mumbles to himself.

"I heard that!" Kaz yells.

"Saints, he can hear."


Night soon comes around, causing the Crows to get into heist mode. Kaz decided at the last minute to stick Anya with Inej, hoping they can complete the task twice as fast. He knew Anya had the ability to get in and out quietly, her skills rivaling Inej's. Kaz just worried, he never showed it, but he did. He enjoyed being able to keep his eyes on her, also, keeping her out of harm's way. He thought that if she was to ever get hurt, it would be his fault. Inej and Anya had made their way to the top of the roof, silently running along the top, making their way to the dome. The two were waiting for their signal, the lights going off.

Climbing up over the railing, the two girls end up on the roof of their entrance. Opening one of the windows, Anya ties off one end of the rope to the railing, while Inej flings down the rest. Sliding down one at a time, Inej goes first. The two spotted the fluorescent marks, following them straight to the archives. Anya opens the drawer that has his handprints on it, taking out the blueprints and placing them on the floor. Inej takes out her blank piece of paper, spraying the map, and placing the blank one over them. Pressing her hands over the blank one, she replicates the map completely. Rolling it back up, she places it in the holder, going up the rope first. As Anya goes to climb up after Inej, the lights turn back on.

She motions to Inej to bring up the rope, which she does, shutting the window, sliding off into the darkness. Anya hurries off to hide behind a desk, hearing a voice, she tenses slightly. A guard walks right by her hiding spot, so she silently walks behind him. Mimicking his every move, she prays she can make it out alive. She hides behind the main desk as the guard turns around.


"Nothing." Anya lets out a string of curses as the door is shut. She prays that she can get out of the room. Anya goes to pull on the door but it's locked. "Saints." She looks around trying to find the lock, noticing it's on the other side of the door, she sighs. Anya is startled when a whistle sounds out. She turns her body, looking up, seeing the culprit. Jesper.

"Move." Jesper whispers, making a move symbol with his hands. Anya moves out of the way as Jesper takes out one of his pistols. Lining up his pistol, Anya watches as he looks at the clock. Bang. Jesper pulls the trigger, hitting the lock, just as the clock ticks. The door opens, sending Jesper a wink, which he reciprocates, Jesper walks off. Anya walks through the doors, trying not to get caught. She has a few close calls, but she manages to get through the front doors unscathed. Noticing a guard at the front, she pulls out one of her knives, ready to attack. As she goes to strike, the symbolic crow cane hits the ground. Anya halts all movements.

Taking a deep breath, "Bit slow on the draw there."

Kaz turns to her, "Or just in time."

"You look ridiculous."

"I know." The two walk off, Jesper and Inej meeting them. The four walk off out of the archive center. Getting out just the way they came in, silently.


authors note: hi loves! we have some sweet and spicy moments in the beginning. kaz is possisive and i dont mind it. that man could do ANYTHING to me and i wouldnt complain. we have anya being a baddie as always. yes i gave her inejs part at sneaking out, but shes talented so why not. i am kind of thinking of writing a book based on SOC and CK but idk. im watching saddle club and colbalt just died, but hes having a baby. safe to say im writing this authors note through the tears. i have a game tomorrow, so i may not be able to post, but there will be one for friday! ANYWAY, i hope you enjoyed!

 i have a game tomorrow, so i may not be able to post, but there will be one for friday! ANYWAY, i hope you enjoyed!

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