chapter six

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—𝐓𝐡𝐞 Conductor stared up at Kaz with a frightened look on his face

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 Conductor stared up at Kaz with a frightened look on his face. His breathing uneven, fearing the worst. Kaz looked down at the man with piercing eyes, studying his character, trying to break down the way he acts, so he can expose his worst fear.

"Get us to the Little Palace." The Conductor does nothing but nod, fear coursing through his veins. "Good. Inej untie him. I will be waiting outside." Kaz turns and leaves the room, not looking behind him to know his saving grace is on his heels.

"At least he's alive." Anya says. Looking up at Kaz, she notices that he has bags under his eyes. "You have to sleep."

"Nope. Not on the agenda."

"Yes it is. I will force you to sleep, you know that right?" Kaz nods, knowing that Anya would eventually drug him so he would sleep. Kaz found nothing wrong with his sleeping schedules. Being able to sleep with a gift, as his nights were plagued with memories of him. His brother. Forcing him to wake up in a fright, not allowing his body to sleep again for a few days. "I'll lay with you if you want. Even if it is for a few moments."

"I'd like that." Kaz whispers. Jesper had listened to an order, a miraculous event. He was standing, paying attention, or so it seemed. "Jesper." Kaz spoke and Jesper jumped a foot in the air. Anya snickered beside Kaz.

"Saints, boss, nearly killed me." Jesper laid a hand over his heart.

"Well, you are clearly living." Kaz raises an eyebrow, unimpressed with Jesper at the moment. "Inej will be out in a moment with our, guest. Then we go back to the Crow Club and get ready to leave." Inej walked out not a minute to soon, the Conductor on her heels. Kaz walked off with Anya on his side, the rest of his crew following behind.

"What are you going to do about Inej?" Anya questions Kaz. He looks over at her for a moment.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Anya raises a singular brow in response. Being fed up with his short answers, Anya grabs his hat off of his head and walks off. "Hey! That's mine." Kaz yells at her.

"Too bad, Kazoo. It's mine now." Anya keeps walking, throwing a wink over he shoulder. She knows the name riles him up, but she basks in his attention, even if it is a negative one. Kaz huffs in response, a small smile playing on his lips, shaking his head at her childish ways.

"How come she gets to do to do that and we can't?" Jesper questions.

Inej looks over to Jesper with a dumbfounded face. "Are you really asking that?"

"Yes, I wanna know why she gets to be all cuddly with Kazy Bear and not get wacked with a cane."

"Because, she's Anya. His Anya. You're lucky you're pretty." Inej says.

"So you think I'm pretty?"

"Kazy Bear?" Kaz questions, wacking Jesper with his cane. Jesper lets out an ow. "Don't tell Anya about that name, I'll never hear then end of it. And if you call me that again Jesper, I'll remove your kneecaps." Kaz turns around and walks away, but not before he can see the disturbed look on Jesper's face.

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