chapter eleven

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—𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 back to the tavern went faster than expected

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𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 back to the tavern went faster than expected. The group of four were still on their high from the heist, enjoying the feeling of it. Bidding each other a nod as a goodnight, they all headed their separate way. Anya could hear Jesper talking to Inej about his shooting skills that effectively saved Anya from the room, she just rolled her eyes. Walking into the room as Kaz held the door open for her, she sat down on the bed and started removing her boots. Kaz and Anya took off their clothes in silence, throwing his shirt at her. She pulled on her body, aware of his eyes burning holes into her back.

Kaz admires the way she looks in his shirt, once again, he is completely intoxicated. Every curve is shown, his shirt was smaller than the one last time, so it showed off more. Kaz slipped on his sleeping pants, very slowly, having to shift every few moments to adjust himself. Not wanting Anya to notice, he busies himself with other things, small things. Little did he know, Anya knew exactly what he was trying to do. His shifting didn't go unnoticed, causing her to survey him out of the corner of her eye. Scanning his figure, she managed to understand his problem. It was noticeable, causing her to let out a small chuckle. Kaz snaps his head in her direction, wondering what she was laughing about.

"What?" He questions. Anya tilts her head, giving her the appearance of a confused puppy. Kaz internally groans, knowing this isn't going to end well for him. Her eyes flash, giving her an innocent appearance. Anya steps forward, playing with the collar of Kaz's shirt, causing him to tense up. Her fingers trace his stomach, tracing every ab, every scar, every indent, wanting to memorize it. He tenses up as her hands travel further down his body. "Anya."

"What?" She breathes out, looking up at him through her lashes.

"Fuck it." Kaz leans down, capturing his lips in hers, kissing her with such passion, she stumbles backwards. He takes the opportunity to push her against the wall, sliding his knee in between her legs. Anya lets out a gasp at the feeling, causing Kaz to take the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth. The two were feeling like they were on cloud nine, lust taking over their minds, taking over their bodies. They moved sloppily, removing the remaining bits of each other's clothing, touching all the right places. Shocks of electricity sparked between them, lighting them up, and intertwining them more than they already were. Falling back onto the bed, Kaz lets out a chuckle, kissing down her neck. "Didn't I say that you would see how big I am?"

Anya doesn't have a chance to reply, as Kaz intertwined their lips again. The two pushed their bodies closer together, if that was even possible. Kaz finally got dominance over her, intertwining their bodies. It felt like heaven, the two of them finally connected in the way they never have been before. Sure they had done other things, but no one ever knew. Stars crossed their visions, lining them up, creating a supernova. Their bodies on overdrive until the very last moment. Weary minds as they moved away from each other, too tired to put on clothes, they pushed their bodies together, falling asleep.

In the morning, Anya was in pain. Granted it was a pleasant one, it still hurt. Kaz was sound asleep, his head tucked into her neck, tickling her skin with his breath. Anya sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck, playing with his hair that lied on the base of his neck. Anya fell back asleep to the sounds of his breathing. The two were startled awake by the door slamming open. Anya clutched the blankets to her chest, as Kaz lurched forward, bed head and all. There Jesper stood, pale faced, eyes wide, staring at the two of them. Kaz picks up one of the pillows from the bed, launching it at Jesper. The pillow flew at a high speed, hitting Jesper straight in the face. Jesper let out a sound of pain, before throwing the pillow on the floor, shutting the door behind him.

Anya had bug eyes, not believing what just happened. "That happened right? You saw that?" Kaz nodded, slowly moving his head towards her.


The two made the silent agreement to get out of bed and get ready for the day. In the silence, the two made haste work on getting their clothes on. Kaz was sitting on their bed, head in his hands, racking his brain for the perfect plan. Anya notices his spiral, so she makes the decision to sit on his lap. Knees on both sides on his legs, she runs her fingers through his hair. Kaz noticeably untenses, basking in her attention. The two sit like that for a few minutes, before deciding to head downstairs to scope out the map of the Little Palace. Entering the main part of the tavern Anya makes eye contact with Jesper, both turning away immediately. Inej watches with a concerned face.

"What's up with you two?" Inej questions Jesper and Anya.

"Nothing." The two answer shortly.

"Good." Kaz says. Jesper swallows a gulp, remembering the morning. Inej pulls out the map. The group huddles around it, trying to find a way in and out of the Little Palace.

"What about..." Jesper points to a random room.

"No, look." Inej says.


"How about this hallway?" Anya asks.

"No go. See? Guard tower."

"There's no way in." Inej lets out a huff.

"And no way out." Kaz concludes.

"Well, I thought this plan might not work." Anya glares up at Arken before looking back down at the map. A loud thud echos through the tavern, causing the group to look startled, all minus Arken. The crowd gasps, and Kaz sends Arken a look. Arken just simply drinks in response.


authors note: EtherealWhorecrux i have made my mind up about the smut. granted it wasnt a lot, but i feel like it summed up their sexual tension. So they finally did the deed and jesper walked in to see the after effects. what a turn off am i right? just be glad he didnt walk in halfway through. i have an answer, kaz is 9 inches, anya told me, aka a reliable source. i teased a little saying they did stuff, but that was a given, granted with the fact that they are all over each other. so the crows are trying to figure out a way into the little palace. arken has his own plans, man was sus as hell. vote him out. i am halfway through the fourth episode, and i have no real timeline for when i will complete this story, but i assume it would be soon. there may not be a chapter for sunday, seeing as i have plans, but i will attempt to write. after this is over, i plan to take a small hiatus, trying to figure out plans for upcoming stories and plans to finish my other book. but i have come up with a title and a face claim for my new kaz book and i am in desperate need of a cover, so if anyone wants to create graphics for that or any of my stories go for it!!! thank you for almost 7k!!!! sorry for the long AN! ANYWAYS, i hope you enjoyed!!

 but i have come up with a title and a face claim for my new kaz book and i am in desperate need of a cover, so if anyone wants to create graphics for that or any of my stories go for it!!! thank you for almost 7k!!!! sorry for the long AN! ANYWAY...

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