chapter twelve

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—𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐚 stares at the conductor, wondering what he just did

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𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐚 stares at the conductor, wondering what he just did. The crowd was still reeling over the fact that the stage performer fell. Gasps of shock falling over the tavern, the silks abandoned, the stage performer groaning in pain. Arken just simply sips on his drink.

"What did you do?" Anya questions him.

"Nothing." Arken heads off, doing his own thing. The crows could care less as to what he does, as long as he leaves them and their plans out of it. They sit around the bar, nursing their drinks.

"Got any plans up your sleeve?" Inej questions Kaz. He sends a look to Inej out of the corner of his eyes, causing her to look at Anya, who shrugs in response.

"He always does. He's Kaz Brekker." Anya says.

"I mean, Kribirsk isn't the worst. We can open up a bar." Jesper says. "Brew East Ravkan beer for the Westerners?"

"Shut up Jesper."

Jesper takes a sip of his drink, "I miss Milo."

"Me too." Anya says back.

Arken walks up to the bar. "Friends."

"What are you so cheery about?" Kaz questions.

Arken pulls a man out from behind him. "This is Marko. Marko is the leader of the traveling troupe known as the Pomdrakon Players." Kaz raises an eyebrow. "They have been invited to perform in this year's winter fete." Ah, there it is, Anya thinks.

"A lifelong dream." Marko says.

"Yes, yes." Arken pats Marko's shoulder. "A chance to get inside the Little Palace. But they lost their star performer due to an unfortunate freak accident. They are in desperate need of someone with the skills to replace their star performer, and as Ketterdam's premier talent manager, I had an idea." Kaz Anya and Jesper all look over at Inej. She gives Kaz a glance.

"Why not Anya?"

"I don't move that way." Kaz raised an eyebrow, knowing that damn well that isn't true.

"Fine. As a friend once said, 'If I can't crack this, none of us are going anywhere.'" Inej takes out all of her knives - which takes a while, seeing as she has a million of them - and places them in Kaz's awaiting palms. Inej walks away and Kaz turns to Anya, whispering in her ear.

" 'I don't move that way?' What? That's bullshit."

"Shut up."

"Why? You just lied."

"I did. I don't see a problem, do you?" Kaz shakes his head, chuckling to himself. He puts his arm around her, allowing Anya to cuddle herself into his side.

"Hold on, what do you mean she lied?" Jesper asks. Kaz and Anya just walk closer to the stage, ignoring Jesper. "Guys? Guys?!"


Inej goes backstage, getting ready for her debut. Walking out in a black bodysuit, Inej takes to the silks. Twisting and turning, Anya thought she looked elegant - which she did - up there, she looked like she belonged. Anya was too entranced with the way she moved to notice Kaz glaring at anyone who would even think of harming one of his crows. He spotted a few glancing at Anya, looking her up and down. Kaz didn't like that one bit, sending them his harshest glare, causing the men to look away startled. Kaz hummed to himself, enjoying the effect he had on people.

Anya's eyes were hyper focused on Inej as she did intricate moves. Her and the silks moved like one, like an ocean. Her waves intricate, slapping against the sand, moving as one as the tide came in and out, her body creating intricate patterns on the eyes of others, as they were sand. To say Anya was jealous was an understatement. To have Inej's confidence and her ability to move on silks. Sure she had other abilities but nothing as intoxicating at this. The crowd cheers as Inej finishes her routine, obviously happy with her skills. She takes a bow, walking to meet Marko halfway.

"The Saints must have sent you. Yes. The show will go on. Now." Marko snaps his fingers, signaling to one of the people in the crowd to pass him something. He holds out a bodysuit, full of vibrant colors. "Can you... fit into this?"


Inej doesn't get a chance to reply as Jesper had slung his arm around Marko, "Of course she can. Those are her colors." Anya chuckles. "But the thing is, Inej..." Jesper twirls Marko around. "Comes as part of a package deal." Jesper points his two thumbs at himself.

"No free rides. What are your talents?"

"You'll see. Inej climb on the silks and hold this please." Jesper walks over to an empty table, pulling out one of the chairs. He sits on it, taking out a mirror, placing his pistol on his shoulder. Kissing his reflection and placing one on his pistol, he uses his mirror to line up his shot. Inej hangs upside down from her silks, holding a playing card in her mouth. Anya had no reason to be scared but she was. What if Jesper missed? Inej twirls slightly, and Jesper pulls the trigger, splitting the card in half. The crowd cheers, impressed with his work. Jesper twirls his guns, holstering them. Inej hands Marko the card, he chuckles, Jesper tilts his head. Marko brings Jesper in for a hug.

"Stage is yours, sir."

"I'll make my own way."

"And you miss?"


Anya sends a glance to Inej who immediately knows what she wants. Setting it up, Anya gets into position, standing on top of the bar, she takes out two of her twin knives, twirling them around. Inej had one card placed between her fingers, waiting for the nod from Anya. Anya takes a deep breath, giving Inej a nod. Inej throws up the card at the same time Anya throws her knives. The card makes an impact in the wall, the two knives sticking out the top and bottom of the card. The crowd cheers, Kaz wears a smirk. He had faith in his girl the whole time. Anya hops down, receiving a hug from Marko.

"You have a spot." Anya laughs, looking over the Kaz who was already looking at her. She enjoys the proud gleam in his eyes, blushing slightly under the eye contact, she shoots him a wink.


authors note: okay so arken planned some shady shit, which got someone hurt. i am not surprised at all. inej was a beauty on those silks. she makes my heart go *pitter patter* kaz was being protective as usual. that card scene was just *chiefs kiss* anya was being a total badass as usual. there may not be a chapter for sunday or posted later tomorrow seeing as i have plans all day and due to softball and rain things may change so i have no idea what's going to happen. i am hoping to write one now and get it done but seeing as it's almost 11pm and i have to be up and ten and i enjoy my sleep maybe not. but one can hope right? i hope you enjoyed!!

 but one can hope right? i hope you enjoyed!!

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