chapter seven

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—𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 from the rest of the group, Kaz took Anya to the farmers market

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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 from the rest of the group, Kaz took Anya to the farmers market. Leading her to the pens with the goats, he waves his hands, allowing her to pick the one of her choice. She chose the smallest one, adoring the way he stood out from the rest. The pick of the litter in her opinion, the white stripe on his face adding to his character, making her heart melt. Anya picked him up out of the pen as Kaz handed kruge to the man, snuggling into his fur. Kaz takes the goat away from her, using him as lure. He knew he was going to have to use the goat to make Anya move, otherwise she was going to stand there all day.


"What?" Kaz questions.

"His name is Milo." Kaz hums in response, continuing on his walk.

"They want you to believe the Sun Summoner has been found to finally tear down the wall that divides us." Zlatan shouts, the crowd covering his voice slightly. Kaz looks over at the banners that line the streets.

"Yes!" The crowd shouts. Anya pays no attention as she continues to give Milo affection.

"How many times have we been feed a story like that? And how many times have we in the west been told to send out sons and daughters through the Fold for another year?" Kaz and Anya walk closer to the stage. "It is time we accept that we need to break away from the old country. Now is the time to form our own country to keep what we make and what we earn, instead of sending it to the east." The crowd cheers in response. "For the true Ravka!" Kaz looks around as the crowd shouts back, eyes scanning, looking for something in particular.

"Isn't that Arken?" Anya points towards Zlatan going towards his tent.

"It is."

"Wonder what he's doing?"

"Nothing good." Kaz and Anya walk away from the crowd, only to stop. Anhya sends Kaz a questioning look, one that he doesn't respond to, causing her to follow his sight line. She sighs, seeing the blue of Inej's clothes. Kaz walks towards her, noticing the names enscribed on the stone.

Inej lets out a shaky breathe as she looks towards Kaz and Anya. "He's adorable."

"I know." Kaz sends Anya a look. "Oh, you're adorable too." She leans up kissing his cheek, causing Inej to smirk at the light pink dusting his skin.

"Don't get attached." Anya ignores that, seeing as she has already formed a bond. "I didn't think I'd have to specify no detours to you."

"Even if just a few minutes could end a lifetime of questions?"

"Your parents are Suli. They don't cross the fold. They go around."

"I know. I just thought... that if I saw their names on there, I could let the idea of them go. This thing?" Inej pulls out a necklace from under her clothes. "This was all I had when I was sold to the menagerie. And if it was worth anything Heleen would have taken it. But this is just a simple token of faith that my mother stitched. Kaz, this is all that I have left of them."

MOURNERS, kaz brekker Where stories live. Discover now