Chapter 30~ the party

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-1 month later-

Arianas POV

Today's the day of the party! AHHH! I wake up to the sound of Morgan pounding her fists against the door. "THE PARTYS TODAY!" She squeals. sean opens the door for her since I can't get up that fast and she runs in and starts jumping up and down. "im so excited!" She screams. "me too baby! It'll be fun!" I tell her.

We head downstairs and eat a quick breakfast. when we finish I decide to dress brooke up in an adorable outfit. "she's almost one!" I shout. Morgan comes in and helps pick out an outfit and brooke just giggles. I feel the baby kick and I instantly jolt up. "whew, that was a painful one." I tell morgan. "are you okay?" She asks worried. "don't worry. I'm fine and the party will be a blast!" I tell her to go pick out a fun outfit to wear as I dress brooke in the outfit Morgan picked out. she looked so cute! "You're such a cutie patootie!" I cooe at her. she giggles and I pick her up and bring her to the nursery. "you need a nap!" I tell her. I set her down and instantly feel another kick. "geeze honey, calm down." I tell my belly. it stops and I walk downstairs. I hug sean and he kisses my belly. "ah!" I squeal as the baby kicks once again. "she's been kicking all morning!" I sigh. "maybe she's ready to come celebrate!" Sean laughs. I just lie down on the couch and rest.


Morgans POV

I hear the doorbell ring and dash to the door. all my friends are there! Kayla, Chloe, Lucy, and Ophelia. "Yay! You're here!" I say opening the door and inviting them in. "omg we are so excited!" They say in harmony. they've never met ariana or sean, so they're in for a treat :)

Arianas POV

I awake from my long nap on the couch and hear giggling. crap I slept that long! I sit up and feel pain shoot through my stomach. "I hope that was a kick." I mutter to myself. I stand and greet the guests. "OH MY GOSH ARIANA GRANDE!" Ophelia and lucy scream. chloe and Kayla are too shocked to answer. "hi lovies." I say smiling. sean comes downstairs with Brooke in his arms and the girls go nuts. "Oh my gosh big Sean! And Brooke!" They all shout. I laugh but soon feel another dash of pain. no one seems to notice but sean, who tells the girls to go hang out as he pulls me aside. "babe are you sure you're alright?" He asks worried. I nod as I try to hold in the pain. "I'm only 7 months sean. the baby is probably just kicking a lot." I tell him.

Sean's POV

All I see is pain in Aris eyes but I decide to let it go.its way too early for anything anyway. I feel my phone buzz and see its scooter

S- Justin is on his way over, have fun today!

I reply

Me- great! Morgan will be so thrilled!

I tuck my phone away and tell ariana. she nods and I can tell she's still in pain. "baby please. You are not alright!" I argue. "yes I AM!" She shouts back. she carries brooke over to the girls where Morgan shows them how to play toddler games with her. "alright girls lets get this party started!" I shout. they run over, brooke in chloes arms, and we head outside where we have a mini stage set up.

Scooter- Justin texted that he went out back and is back "stage". ready whenever you are.
Sean- great! Thanks scooter!

I tell ariana and she just breathes in and out heavily. "you ready to sing best mistake baby?" I ask getting more worried. she stifles a nod as I hear Justin begin to sing. the girls go nuts! Everyone but Morgan didn't know that he'd be here. they are screaming so many things to Justin as he sings "baby". chloe hands me brooke and Brooke starts to clap along. I get closer to ari and rub her belly with my free hand. she smiled but then it fades again.

-1 hour later-

Sean's POV continued

Justin just finished singing all of his songs and the girls are cheering and crying with joy. Justin comes off stage and hugs Morgan. "happy birthday morg!" He tells her. she cries and then justin hugs all the other girls. "it's our turn baby." I tell ariana. she nods and we head up on stage. I don't want her to stand that long so we are only doing one song- best mistake. Morgan takes brooke and Justin sits in the "crowd" to watch. I hand ari a mic and we begin.

Arianas POV

The cramps are getting worst and worst. I feel like I'm gonna explode when sean hands me a mic. I know it's for Morgan though so I begin to sing.

"How soon do we forget, how we felt?
Dealing with emotions, that never left
Playing with the hand that we were dealt, in this game.

I feel another cramp coming over but shake it off.

"Maybe I'm the sinner, and you're the saint
Gotta stop pretending, what we ain't
Why we pointing fingers, an-"

A huge cramp shoots through me and I drop the mic and scream. I clutch my stomach and Justin runs into the house and calls 911. sean comes over to try and comfort me but it's no use. the girls are freaking out and screaming and crying not knowing what to do.

Sean's POV

When ariana dropped the mic and screamed I knew something was wrong. "baby shhhh it's okay." I say trying to calm her down. she just sat down on the ground and screamed while clutching her stomach. brooke and the girls all cry when they see ariana in pain and I motion for Justin to call 911. Soon we hear sirens and ariana keeps screaming.

The medics rush over and get ariana on a stretcher. the girls are hurried inside by Justin and I ask him to watch them, which he offers to do. I get in the ambulance with ari and she keeps screaming and crying. "she's in labor." One medic says. my face goes pale and ariana shouts "what! I'm 7 months!" she continues to moan as the medic says that it's possible she is going into labor early because of something. "Anything can trigger early labor. the problem is her baby will be very very small and premature." a medic tells me. my eyes get teary but I stay strong for ariana. " ow ow ow ow OWWWE!" Ariana yells as we are rushed into the ER and into a room. "is this the first time?" A nurse asks. "no she's had twins and in the wild too." I tell her. she takes notes and asks more questions. I turn to my side every other second to try and calm ariana. soon a contraction ends and she exhales heavily.

Arianas POV

I'm in labor?! I can't believe all that is happening. I sit in the ER with sean and a nurse. "we still have some time till the baby can come." she says. I nod as my contraction ends and I let out a huge sigh. "im so sorry baby." sean says about to cry. I'm about to respond when I feel the bed soak with water. "sean! Sean I t-think my w-water b-broke!" I tell him. she shoots ip and finds a doctor as another contraction takes over.

Sean's POV

I walk in with a doctor and see ariana crying and moaning. "her water just broke." I tell him.he nods and goes to ariana. "ariana I just have to check everything out." he says to her. she tried to nod but continues to moan in pain. i hold her hand until it turns a bright red. "s-s-sorry-y b-baby-y" she says to me. "no don't apologize- squeeze my hand as hard as you need to. she continues to and the doctor says "it's almost time to deliver." He brings in another nurse and tells us to get ready.

Arianas POV

" 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! and breathe!" The doctor says as I let out a huge push. the pain is so unbearable. "you ready for another?" The doctor asks. I say no but he tells me to continue. "1,2,3 Push!" He says. my pushing goes from quiet to loud in a matter of seconds. "I can't do it anymore!" I wail. "yes you can baby." sean reassures me. I keep pushing until the doctor says that the head is out. "come on ariana! Two more and you'll have a baby girl!" The doctor says. I push with all my might and let out a gasp when I feel all the pain and pressure slowly seep away.

Sean's POV

The room fills with the beautiful sound of our baby girls cries. before we can see her the doctor runs out of the room and calls for a bunch of nurses. they rush the baby out and ariana begins to cry. "what's gonna happen to her?" She wails. "don't worry mrs grande. your baby is premature but should be alright." the doctor tells us. she cries and cries into my arm for an hour.

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