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Well.. I was at Mattia's house just sitting on his bed waiting for him to finish practice so I can give him his one month anniversary present. Well of course he didn't know I was awaiting him because it was a surprise, well I waited and waited, two hours and forty-five minutes to be exact. I finally decided to text him, to see if he was ok? or whatever.

Y/n: Hey Matti, are you ok?

read  1:05pm 

Ugh what have I done now? maybe he's just tired from practice? or maybe he's driving? or he accidentally opened the message? I was trying to rationalize this is my head but something didn't add up, it was a Saturday,  Mattia didn't have practice on a Saturday, I should ask his mom because Mattia tells his mom everything and I'm sure she'd tell me where he is since she knows it's our anniversary today.

Y/n: Hey Mirna, do you know where Mattia is?

Mirna: No sweetie, I- I haven't seen h-him at all today.

Y/n: Oh ok sorry for bothering you.

That's weird, why was she stuttering so much? she never stutters around me, I need to figure out what's going on. His brother should definitely know something about this weird situation.

( I know Mattia doesn't have an older brother but for the sake of this chapter let's give him an older brother)

Y/n: Marco, Marco are you there?

Marco: What Y/n? I'm busy

Y/n: Oh sorry to bother you-

Marco: Why are you talking to me? Shouldn't you be with Mattia? Isn't it your one month anniversary or something?

Y/n: Y-yes that's what I came to ask you about, Have you seen Mattia?

Marco: Yes I have actually

What a relief...

Marco: but he left in some suspicious car that I have never seen before and he looked pretty nervous to say the least.

Not such a relief.

Y/n: Ok thanks Marco, I'll leave you alone now.

With that I walked out, I needed to know what was going on with Mattia. Immediately. What if he was hurt? Kidnapped? wait no y/n think, he got into the car, he wasn't forced. There is no other possibility unless he was che-. No no y/n don't go there.

I soon remembered me and Mattia installed this app on our phones that tell us immediately where the other person is so for example if Mattia seen I wasn't at home with him he could easily check the app to see where I was. Mean while I was opening the app to realize Mattia turned his location off. He's definitely up to something.

Maybe I should go for a drive to see if maybe I can see him somewhere.


I have been driving around for almost an hour and still no sign of Mattia. UGH. this is tiring, I'm going to go home and surely I'd get an explanation for this after a good night's rest.


It was the next morning- still not text from Tia, now I am starting to worry. I called Mirna to see if he had come home that night. No luck- he didn't. "WHY ISN'T NO ONE TELLING ME WHERE HE IS" I yelled. I didn't expect anyone to hear me. but the muffled voice in my closet did.

"well, he is at the well" - muffled voice (LOL)

"what?"- Y/n

After I didn't get a reply, I was so confused, why would he be at the well? we only went to the well if- OH SHIT. I didn't think for a second, not even to do my hair or brush my teeth. I got into my car and sped down the highway headed straight for the well, the well is me and Mattia's special place and whenever we have problems we go to this place, but why would he get into some mysterious car to come here?- I didn't know the answer to that question but hopefully I will soon. I was pulling up to the gate when I seen a car and a couple people standing around it, there- there he was, Mattia, he looks dull? sick? maybe even delusional  I didn't know what to think, well what was there to think about? I found Mattia that's all that Matters. After scoping everything out I jumped out of the car- full speed ahead running at Mattia.

Y/n: Mattia, YOU'RE SAFE.

Mattia: Y/N STAY BACK.

*gun shots*

I blacked out, everything felt numb.

Mattias pov: OMG NO, Y/N PLEASE WAKE UP, PLEASE PLEASE, SOMEONE CALL 911 (on my block vibes, anyone excited for szn 4?).

She wasn't responding, why was she here? did she follow me? how did she know I was here?. So many questions not many answers, too many thoughts were running through my head. I couldn't process what was happening. then it hit me. My Abuela told her I was here, she personally liked Y/n and never kept a secret from her, Y/n was the same, she was absolutely transparent with my Abuela, they were so close until my Abuela lost her life due to old age, I now wonder if she has become Y/n's guarding angel, but that's besides the point. Why did she take Y/n from me now? in the mix of all the commotion and thoughts, I didn't seem to notice Y/n's blood run cold- she was dead.

At least she resting in a safe place now.

But why did they take y/n? or why did they take her now?



I haven't really been updating recently but  I am trying to update a bit more but at the end of every chapter and maybe some of the starts I'll ask you guys questions that you can answer in the comments while enjoying the chapters. Also don't forget to leave any chapter ideas you guys would like to read, and don't forget to leave feed back so I can improve my writing skills and also if any of my chapters offend you or make you uncomfortable, you don't need to read them just click or swipe out of the chapter and find something to read that suits you, but that's it for todays chapter/rant.

Todays QOTD: What's your favorite child hood TV show or movie? ( leave your answer in the comment section below <3)

Personally mine was Dora or SpongeBob.

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