this is an update about me so if you want to skip them skip idc

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I know I haven't been uploading much and I feel really bad about it, it's just that I don't have the motivation to write and no I am not writing this as a "pick me girl" thing so you can give me attention or something like that, I'm writing this so you guys are aware of what's going on I mean of course I won't go into deep details because that's personal but I will elaborate some things that I am comfortable with saying. So I know most people don't have their grandmothers around anymore and I am truly truly sorry if you don't, and some people have the best relationship with their grandmothers, for me it's a little different she's so abusive to me I mean I wouldn't call it abusive but it's fucking not how you should be treating a fucking child, or even a person for that matter. She literally fat shames me for example TODAY SHE FUCKING SAID " your shirt looks tight" LIKE WHAT THE FUCK, first of all why the fuck are you looking? and SECOND OF FUCKING ALL have you seen your fucking self? you're literally 200 pounds over weight don't talk to me about weight, secondly she literally swears at me, hits me, drags me by my hair etc. She mentally and physically abuses me constantly- and to add on to her bull shit she wanted my mum to sign me over into her care so she can get money from the government to take care of me, and I am so thankful my mum didn't sign me over cause I will fucking kill myself, anyways last year I was really at my lowest for personal reasons and I was at the point of just ending it all and killing myself and when my FUCKING MOTHER decided to tell her this infront of my other auntie she literally fucking said "I'll fucking knock you out if you even try" not only that literally on Sunday she was lying about me to her "friends" saying I took her phone home to my house and she started calling me a bitch saying "Tricia the bitch took my phone home for 24 hours"

and I said no I didn't because I fucking didn't and then she hung up on the person and said "if you ever expose me about my lies I'll fucking kill you".  I've tried to tell my mum how she treats me but she treats me like shit too so I can't fucking tell no one like yeah I try tell my bestfriend but she says "oh that's how I get treated too so were even" and FUCK OH MY FUCKING GOD I AM SO FUCKING PISSED OFF, so my "bestfriend" was talking shit about me right, she was telling everyone she cuts herself because of me (she was showing everyone her cuts) and I confronted her about it and she was like "yeah that's why I cut myself, because your so toxic to me" and I fucking went OFF and later that day in period 4 we had to sit in the hall and she was being a little SOOKY BITCH like she is and I was like "why the fuck are you crying" and she was doing a big as fucking show getting everyone ones attention, so when she finally got mostly everyone's attention she said "because I hurt you" and I was like "bitch the fuck I ain't hurt, I don't give a fuck who talks shit about me, if you talk shit about me you fucking talk shit about me. It doesn't phase me cause I know all you bitches would never shape up with me so you can all suck my fucking dick" then I got the fuck up and walked out of there, with her now balling her fucking eyes out. (this is another day) So me and my bestfriend (lets call her fuckhead and the other girls name will me fugly bitch) So me fuckhead and fugly bitch were sitting on there stairs at "C" block when fuckhead gets up crying and walks over to fugly bitch and asks her for a hug so she hugs her while giving me the evils, so I get the fuck up and walk away and then later fuck head walks up to and is like "are you angry at me?" and I was like "don't fucking talk to me, go talk to fugly bitch" and I kept walking and she was like " the only reason why I was crying to her and hugging her was because I didn't want to make you worried or stressed because I know you have your own problems" and then I was like "but you had the nerve to even walk up to her and hug her when you could've fucking hugged me" and she just started crying again so I walked away and rolled my eyes at her.

so yeah 824 words about me ranting soooo yeah tell  me what you think in the comments I love you bebes

and I can't even be bothered doing a "QOTD" because I am to fucking pissed off so yeah MAYBE TOMORROW LOVELIES <3

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