I said what the fuck I had to say.

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Just because you are light skin doesn't mean your not black-. My mom is darkskin and my dad is lightskin (they are both black but my dad is mixed but half black and my mom is fully black) my point is- is that I have my dads skin color which is light but that doesn't mean I'm not black. And All lives do matter but I haven't heard not one white person being called a terrorist, being killed for doing NOTHING or even being descriminated against because the color of their skin, doesn't it sound stupid to say a white person is ugly because their skin is white? why can't people think the same way for Muslims, black people and Asians. And I'm sure everyone has had humanities class in school so you'd know a bit about white people invading black countries or other countries in general and killing many people but do people call them any bad name no because white people hide their past to make it seem like their the good people. And I'm not saying all white people are bad because I do know some pretty decent white people but what I'm trying to say is certain white people are using other important issues/movements such as BLM or MLM to flip the script and make it about them and somehow still make black people or Muslim people look bad. That's all I have to say and if any body else has a problem with what I said DM me and I will very much gladly enjoy educating your stupid self respectfully have a good fucking day or night except for the uneducated bitches. 

This is somewhat of topic but it has to be said ALRIGHT

Just because you have black friends and they say the N-word around you DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN SAY THE FUCKING N-WORD (unless you are black yourself)

Even if they say "it's ok I don't care" DO NOT FUCKING SAY IT because if you haven't realized the N-word came from generations of systematic racism 

(this paragraph that I will insert was from google and I did not right any of it)

"Nigger, Ethnic Slur In the English language, the word nigger is an ethnic slur typically directed against black people, especially African Americans. Because it is considered extremely offensive, even if only mentioned and not used as a slur, it is often referred to by the euphemism "the N-word". It is also in use with a more neutral meaning among African Americans, primarily as nigga. This spelling reflects the pronunciation of nigger in non-rhotic dialects of English, particularly Black 

Vernacular English." | ( got that from google)

As you can see from the paragraph above the "N-word" slur wasn't a very pleasant way to great someone so I don't think you have the right to great someone like that (unless you are black) it really pisses me off when I see white girls on Tiktok saying it for fun and laughing about it likes it's funny, nothing is funny except for the fact that your making a fool of yourself to just go and cry to your mommy daddy about how people are pulling you up for being racists little uptight cunts.

I hope you guys understand what the fuck I said because I'm not repeating myself. Let it be known to the next person who calls me a "black N-word" I'm going to spark you in your fucking jaw. Ok Love you except for you racists little bitches. 

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