fluff ━ ' , im no match for him , ' ━ kazuha x m/fem!reader

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(A/N: I just think he would be one of the types that would be super flirty when he's in love. Sorry if his personality here isn't to your liking.)

[Modern AU.]

"I see that you're as adorable as ever." Kazuha says after you walked up to him all dressed up. He smiles at you as he stares at you. You sigh, rolling your eyes as you sit in the seat in front of him.

"Sure." You then take a sip of your frappe that you had bought just before approaching him. You both agreed to had agreed to meet at the nearest cafe. Well, nearest is quite the stretch when it's just near him but so far away from you.

"Why so cold?" He asks before sipping on his own drink. Your eyes then wander, seeing other people enter the cafe. You shrug your shoulders hoping that at least the cafe wouldn't be too full.

"You tell me that every single day so, it... doesn't really have an effect on me anymore." You tell him, having a sort of 'whatever' look on your face. His mouth opens slightly, letting out an 'eh..'

"Well, I think I would regret not saying something so obvious. Do you perhaps not like compliments?" He asks, placing his cup on the table before leaning his back on the chair he's sitting on.

"I-I love them but, it's a little too much, don't you think?" You say, hesitant since you saying this might trigger him to give you more than you asked for. More importantly, who doesn't love getting complimented? But, getting a little too much of the same thing just starts to sound like pity.

"So, you want me to stop?" He asks, looking slightly sad. You then start to regret ever saying that as his eyes were being puppy-like.

"N-no!" You practically yell out, not wanting to make him sad or feel down. He flinches in surprise, but then chuckles. Seems like people around both of you flinched from that sudden yell as well. You look away, blushing.

"Y-you know what, just do whatever." You say, giving up before taking another sip of your frappe, wanting it to at least calm you down. You sigh afterwards, setting it down once again on the table.

"Okay." He says, smiling. You raise your right eyebrow in confusion. Just why exactly is he doing this? Is it to make you feel better, make you comforted but... if that's the reason then isn't all his compliments not genuine since it's just to make you feel good? You look at him, scrolling his phone. His eyes then meet yours. You then start to think that maybe it won't hurt to ask him.

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