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"I don't even know you." Mark lifted an seagull eyebrow at the brunette peeking out the small hole.

"Let's get to know each other on the process of fake dating. I know you like girls but trust me I'm a good Teddy." Haechan pouted up at the dark haired handsome boy who got all shy because the cutie stared at him.

"I'll think about it." Said Mark unsure of this whole sudden fiasco.

"Why isn't Junnie leaving?! Urghh!!" Haechan whined with a frustrated tone. Johnny said something as he guide the blonde and black haired boy outside.

"Mind telling me the whole story atleast? So I could help out my stranger?" Mark opened the door as they came out with a huff.

"Can we go somewhere far? I know I'm trusting a stranger but you are Johnny's friend so I suppose you won't kidnap me and use me or something." Haechan nervously chuckled at Mark who rolled his eyes but still showed him the way to his familiar white SUV.

Haechan sent Jaemin a text before he got into the vehicle and left, strange because he wasn't afraid of this guy, everything escalated so fast that the brunette found himself at a place that overlooked the fields below. Why did he just let this strange boy take him away when he never let anyone even come closer to him.

"So........ I'm an orphan, so are my best friend's, it's just that Jeno and Renjun have feelings for me and it's so obvious. Jisung too, like I can't fathom that he could see me as a crush.........I can't say no nor can I choose between my friends. I love them but I don't love them in a romantic kind of way. It's difficult to watch them fight over me, it gets awkward. They are my family and who dates family?" The brunette whispered softly, the older saw the tears welling up on those big orbs. "My name is Donghyuck by the way, they call me Haechan. I'm 21 and I love art. Just help me make them believe I love somebody........Urghhh this is fucking frustrating." The younger groaned.

"That's.......That's messed up." Mark ran an arm through his black hair, "I'm Mark Lee from Canada, I have a brother, Taeyong who is an idiot who failed his finals thrice and Dad was like he had to pass his exams or else he won't let him marry his boyfriend. I'm here for my internship but I'm not in my best health since I over worked myself too much. That's it about me......oh and about Koeun, She legit hooked up with Herin. Haha." Said the older with a chuckle.

"Ooohhhhh. Doctor sounds hot." Haechan chimed, "What are you majoring in?" He looked so curious.

"I'm going to be a neurosurgeon." Mark chuckled.

"Woahhhhh. That's fucking hot!!!" The brunette squealed. "Help me pleaseeeeee." Haechan cupped Marks face and the older got startled but nodded with a smile.

Haechan went home after everyone fell asleep, Chenle opened the door yawning. Though Mark said he'd help him, how long can he help him for? Months? Days? Years? The doctor had a life of his own though, even if they faked the breakup that meant his friends can still hope to get him. The boy locked himself up inside his room as he slid down the door.

Morning came way to fast, Haechan had three plates pushed towards him that morning, he groaned. He looked up at the three boys who were crossing their limits by being too obvious. The distant honking of the car made the brunette stand up, grab his bag and jog out.

"Omg who is that hottie?" Jaemin gasped hanging on the window with big hotsauce eyes.

"Never seen him before." Chenle tilted his head with a frown.

"Who is he?" Jeno growled as Renjun balled his wrists and Jisung just left the house.

The brunette got into Marks car, he wasn't in the best moods as always. He drew in a harsh breath once the car drove off, leaving the three boys who were in love with Haechan fuming.

"I won't let some new guy steal him from me." Renjun hissed leaving the house.

"Why are you guys do bent on making Haechan like you back?! We are best friends." Jaemin sighed looking at the two boys that dashed out of the house too.

"You won't understand love because you never loved anyone before!" Jeno rolled his eyes at the bunny like creature and left.

Mark parked his car then turned to see the sighing brunette that bit his lips and hugged his bag tightly. It was obvious that Haechan was nervous, afraid and feeling violated also upset at his best friends behaviour.

"Let's go together. I promised I'd help you." Mark opened the door for Haechan, the younger hadn't even realised that the older stepped out. He looked at the outstretched arm then at the handsome young man.

The golden beauty slipped his arm into Marks small but strong comfortable arms as he nodded with a broken smile. As they walked into school hand in hand alot of students gasped because Mark had that charming bewitching make beauty where anyone would leave their fiancé just for him.

"Who is he hyung?" Jisung had caught up to them with his long legs.

"Sungie!!! He's........" Haechan blushed hugged Marks bicep shyly as he tucked his hair behind his ear. "He's my boyfriend. He confessed yesterday and........." The younger shyly hid his face in Marks chest.

"He said yes!!!" Mark wrapped his arms around the warm fluffy frame of the younger. Jisung's face turned red with anger, he shook his head several times as if he were denying the words he heard.

"You guys look like the perfect match!" Chenle squealed purposely so attention would be drawn towards his favour hyung.

"He looks godly." Jaemin had heart eyes like a highschool girl in love. Haechan snuggled into Marks tight embrace as Jisung gritted his teeth angrily.

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