V3 Chapter 5:On Deaf Ears

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Port:(over intercom) Now for the moment you've all been waiting for, the one on one finals!

After a whole day of waiting, the next phase of the tournament is underway. As the eight finalist stood in the middle of the arena, the crowd loudly cheered for them.

Port:(o.i.) Barty, why don't you explain the rules?

Oobleck:(o.i.) Ah, it's quite simple Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place.

Port:(o.i.) Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare.

Oobleck:(o.i.) Ah, yes yes. Now let's see who are first match will be!

On the holoscreens, two wheels started to spin, displaying the finalist. After spinning, the first wheel stopped on Mercury, while the second stopped on Yang, the first match to be had.

Port:(o.i.) Yang Xiao Long and Mercury Black!

As the crowd cheers, Ruby yells out to her sister.

Ruby:Breck a leg sis!

Port:(o.i.) Would all other combatants please leave the stage.

As they all do, the stage begins to shift. The sides of the stage pull away, but only a regular floor floating below the main stage appeared, leaving no obstacles for the two. A ring started to float above the stage, the spotlights attached to it turning on, lighting up the main stage. The two get into their stances, closing in on each other at port counts down.

Port:(o.i.) Three! Two! One!

As Yang's and Mercury's hands cross, Port yells the final word.

Port:(o.i.) Fight!

Yang begins by pulling her hand away, readying up a punch while Mercury spins and kicks, the two colliding and pushing each other back. Once he Lands, Mercury charges Yang and kicks at her, only got Yang to jump over him and shoot him. Yang starts to throw punches, Mercury being able to block them until Yang punch one final time, shooting as she does and launching herself and Mercury back. Yang now shoots at Mercury, explosions going out all over the stage, but not being able to him him. Mercury jumps over a final explosion and towards Yang, chop kicking her on his way down. Yang blocks it and flips him, shooting him as he land, but misses with Mercury flip kicking her away. Yang landed in her feet and charged at Mercury again, trying to shoot him shoot him, but couldn't. As the match goes on, Y/n watches with a confused expression.

Y/n:Something is, off...

Skylar:(looks over) What's that little cous?

Y/n:Uh, nothing for now, I'll explain later.

Y/n looks back to the arena to see bullets now spinning around the stage, Yang and Mercury fighting in the middle. It didn't last long though, as Mercury kicked Yang up, jumping up to kick her back to the ground. As she lay there, the bullets started to rain on her, creating smoke that covers her. Mercury stood up, confident that he won, and started to walk away, dusting himself off with the crowd cheering loudly for him. That was until a fiery explosion erupted behind him. He turns to see Yang, her eyes red and her hair glowing. She slams her fists together and charges at Mercury. He attacks, only for Yang to dodge or block his attacks before striking back, landing multiple hits on him before a hit to his gut broke his aura, and the final hit to his face threw him to the ground, the buzzer sounding off.

Port:(o.i.) What a way to kick off the finals!

Yang takes a deep breath, her hair and eyes going back to normal before raising her fist in the air the crowd now cheering for her. In the stands, the rest of RWBY was celebrating.

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