V2 Chapter 7:Mission Ready

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In the halls of Beacon, Ruby and Y/n are seen to walking to Ozpin's office, him wanting to discuss what had happened last night. As they walked, it was silent. Once they got to the elevator, they got in and Ruby went to press the top floor button, only to hit multiple buttons in the process.

Y/n:Nervous, huh?

Ruby:Yeah, a bit.

As the ride started, stopping on every other floor, both were still silent, until they both looked at each other to speak.

Ruby-Y/n:About last ni- Oh you can go first. No, I insist. (slight glare) Stop that. (points at each other) Stop it...

The two keep their glare at each other, until Ruby broke and started to giggle, causing Y/n to laugh with her. He stopped an sighed.

Y/n:I just wanted to apologise about the dance. I felt like you didn't enjoy it.

Ruby:No no! I loved it!


Ruby:Yeah, I thought you didn't enjoy it because I couldn't dance.

Y/n:I loved it too, besides, you did get the hang of it. You know, after my foot went numb.

Ruby:Oh, Ha-ha.

Ruby playfully glared at Y/n, before the two started to laugh together again as the elevator reached the final floor.

Ozpin:(inside the room) Come in.

The doors open and the two see Ozpin at his desk, with Glynda and Ironwood standing in front of it. The two start to walk in.

Ruby:Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all of the buttons on the elevator on the way up here. It wasn't me.

Y/n:Yeah, totally.

Ozpin:Thank you two for coming. How are you two feeling?

Y/n:Well, my eyes don't hurt as much as they did from last night.

Ruby:Okay, I guess... I'd feel better if my bad guy catching wasn't 0 for 3. (Nervous laugh, silence) Okay so that's the tone we're going for, (scratches back of head) got it.

Ironwood walks up to the two students and places a hand on each of their shoulders.

Ironwood:Ruby, Y/n, I feel it's appropriate to let you two know that I think what you two did last night is exactly what being a huntsmen and huntress is all about. You recognize a threat, you took action, and you did the very best you could.

Ruby:Thank you, sir.

Y/n:Thank you.

Ozpin:Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that... transpired last night. But now that you two have rested, we were wondering if you had anything to add.

Glynda:Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar at all?

Ruby:I... I don't know. She was wearing a mask, and she never said anything to us. But I know she fought with glass.

Y/n:Looking back on it though, it wasn't her semblance. Her clothing would light up when she would attack, like her dress was embedded with dust.

Glynda:Save for the glass... That sounds like the woman I fought the night we met ruby.

Ironwood:Embedding dust into clothing is an age old technique. It could of been anyone.

Ruby:Wait, you think this girl is connected to Torchwick and the White Fang?

Ozpin:.. It's possible. But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together.

Ruby:Actually, I think I remember her saying something about a hideout or something, in the southeast, just outside the kingdom.

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