V4 Chapter 2:Revelations

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Months have now past, with barely anything changing. In an early morning, Melissa is seen walking up the stairs in the L/n's household holding a plate of pancakes. She walks up to Y/n's door and knocks.

Melissa:Sweetie, are you up yet? I brought you some breakfast. (silence) I'm coming in, dear.

Melissa opens the door and looks in seeing the room empty, and the window open. She quickly puts the pancakes on the desk and hurries over to the window, looking out to the forest behind the house.

Melissa:(worried sigh) Not again.

Melissa pulls out her scroll and pushes a button, putting it to her ear as it rings. It soon stops ringing, with Graydon's voice coming through the other end.

Graydon:(over scroll) Hello.

Melissa:Graydon, it's me, Melissa. I need your help.

Graydon:(o.s.) Is he back in the woods?

Melissa:Yes, he is.

Graydon:(o.s.) Understood, I'll do a sweep and see if I can find him, and call back if I do.

Melissa:Thank you Graydon.

Graydon:(o.s.) It's no problem. Bye Melissa.


The call ends, leaving Melissa to stare back out the window, worried.

Melissa:What are you doing out there?

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n eating pancakes

In the forest, we see Y/n walking through the trees. He soon makes his way to a very small clearing, heading to a small stone tablet standing in the middle. As he gets there, he sits down, crossing his legs as his ear go back up ever slightly, before speaking up.

Y/n:Hey Sky... How's it been? (silence) I've been good... I've kept your sword in shape. It gathers dust really fast when it, stays in place...

As he continues to sit in front of the makeshift grave, he hears a sound of crunching leafs and grass behind him. Thinking it was just a forest animal, he stays still and closes his eyes. He begins to hum to himself, until the noise gets louder. Y/n tries to ignore it, but it only gets louder. He get frustrated and opens his eyes, quickly standing and turning around to see what it was, only to gain a face of fear in response. Behind him was an Alpha Beowolf, only a few feet away from him. Y/n stands still, not sure what to do. The Beowolf, however, snarls and leaps at him. Y/n quickly leaps out of the way, narrowly avoiding the Grimm's claw. As he lands on his stomach, he turns over to see the Beowolf, only to see broken rubble around it's feet. Y/n stares at the rubble, before slowly looking back at the grave, seeing it destroyed. Tears forms from his eyes, before they start glowing a faint f/c.


The Beowolf turns it head, feeling Y/n's anguish, making it more aggressive. It fully turns to him and lunges at him, opening it's maw to attack. Before it could, the Beowolf was cut in three, and falls to the ground. As it disintegrates, Y/n is seen with eyes fully f/c, and a f/c Beowolf's arm instead of his. The arm soon disintegrates, revealing his arm again as the f/c fades his eyes. He soon looks up at the broken grave, and runs over. He kneels next to the rubble, tears leaking down his face. He grabs some pieces and tries to put them back together, ultimately failing. He soon stops, realizing he couldn't fix it, and brought the two pieces he had to his chest. He closed his eyes, and as tears continue to fall from his face, he begins to hum the tune he hummed earlier, the one that Skylar would sing to him when they were younger. As he does, his arms begin to glow f/c. As he stops humming, he opens his eyes and looks down, now seeing the two pieces of stone he was holding, now forming one. He looks in confusion, before finding the next piece and putting it together, concentrating on it. Soon, his arms glow again, and so do the rocks, before once again, the two pieces form one. Y/n looked in awe, before gathering the pieces of the grave in one place. He then touches the pile, concentrating on it again, before once again his arms and the pile glowed f/c, and the rubble slowly started to form back into the tablet it once was. Y/n looks in bewilderment and amazement, before he hears a voice from the edge of the forest.

???:Ain't that a neat trick.

Y/n turns to see Graydon standing at the edge of the forest. Y/n turns back towards the tablet and picks it up, putting it back where it was as Graydon walked over to him. Graydon holds his cane under his arm once he gets to Y/n, who is now kneeling in front of it.

Graydon:Is this made for Skylar?

Y/n doesn't say anything, being still for a bit before nodding in reply. Graydon looks at Y/n with sadness, before putting a hand on his shoulder.

Graydon:Come on, your mother is worried. You should go home.

Y/n once again doesn't respond, only standing after a bit. He turns in the direction his house and starts walking towards it. Graydon sighs, before pulling out his scroll and sending a message to Melissa, then following the Faunus.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n sitting at the grave, with chibi ghost Skylar sitting behind him

Back at the L/n household, Melissa is seen by the backdoor, nervously pacing I'm front of it. Soon it opens, Melissa turning her head to see Y/n in the doorway, Graydon behind him. Melissa quickly runs to him and hugs him.

Melissa:Oh! I'm so glad you're safe! Please don't worry me like that!

Y/n:I'm sorry...

Melissa:It's okay dear, it's okay.

Melissa holds onto Y/n, until she sees Graydon. She separates the hug and rubs Y/n's head.

Melissa:Why don't you go upstairs now, there are pancakes waiting in your room.

Y/n nods and walks towards the stairs. Once they hear his door close, Melissa turns to Graydon.

Graydon:Thank you Graydon.

Graydon:It's not problem Melissa. Besides, I've found out what he's been doing in the woods.

Melissa:You have? Then what is it?

Graydon:Well... the kid made a makeshift grave for Skylar, in a little clearing not to far from here.

Melissa remained silent, thinking about what to do, as she does, Graydon speaks again.

Graydon:But, something else happened, today at least.

Melissa:What happened?

Graydon:.. While he was in the clearing, a Grimm attacked him. (Melissa gasps) Don't worry, he's obviously fine. He delt with it with his Grimm Souls power. But afterwards, the grave was destroyed.

Melissa:.. He must be devastated by that.

Graydon:He's not, because he fixed it.

Melissa:What do you mean?

Graydon:.. He found his semblance.

Cutting upstairs, Y/n is seen cleaning Skylar's blade once again. He stops, however, and looks over to his shattered sword. Thoughts go through his mind as to what to do with it. Before with one hand, reaching out to it and touching it. Just like what happened in the forest, his arms glowed f/c, before the sword did too. The sword slowly mended together, making it whole again. He looks at the sword and slightly smiles.

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