V4 Chapter 3:No Where Else To Go

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It is the morning after Graydon and Melissa found out about Skyler's makeshift grave made by Y/n. As the Sun starts to rise higher in the sky, Melissa is seen waking up from her bed, stretching as she sits up. After she finishes, she swings her feet over the bed and stands, stretching more before getting ready for the day. Later, in a casual attire, she is seen leaving her room, closing the door before pausing and sniffing the air. She has a look of confusion, before following the scent, leading her to the kitchen to see Y/n over the stove cooking breakfast, with a plate already made.

Y/n:(looking towards her) Morning mom.

Melissa:G-good morning, sweetie. I'm surprised to see you up and about.

Y/n:Yeah... I'm sorry about how I was-

Melissa:Oh, sweetie don't worry about it. (walks over to him, hugs him) It's okay, you were dealing with grief. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with it. I'm just glad you've finally are moving around again.

Y/n:Yeah, I am too. So, would you like some eggs and bacon?

Melissa:Of course dear.

The two sit down at the table and start to eat. Midway through, Melissa looks up to Y/n.

Melissa:So, I heard you finally found your semblance.

Y/n:Yeah, it's feels weird though, ya know? I thought that Grimm power was my semblance my while life, and ever since I was told it wasn't, I've been waiting to see what my actual semblance is.

Melissa:Not to mention what type it is. Being able to put things back together, that can definitely help in the shop, maybe even in your hunter career!

Y/n:... The shop, yes, but I don't plan to go back to being a hunter.

Melissa:You, don't plan to?

Y/n:Yeah, I've been thinking for a while, and I've decided that I'm not going back.

Melissa:Are you sure? You've been dreaming of being a hunter for years.

Y/n:I know, it's just- I don't feel like doing it anymore.

The two sit in silence some more, until Melissa stands up, empty plate in hand, and walks over to him, rubbing his head.

Melissa:Of course, dear. I won't force you to do anything. (kisses head) Just make sure you're happy with what you do, okay?

Y/n:Of course, mom.

Melissa:Good. Thank you for breakfast dear.

Melissa walks into the kitchen to clean her plate. Y/n looks back to his plate, seeing he still had food. Sighing, he went back to eating.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n mending a plate he dropped

The next scene opens back at the unfamiliar place, showing the outside of the castle from a distance. We cut to the entrance, a set of crystal stairs leading up to the door, rows of crystals lining the edges of the stairs. At the base is an arc, once again made from the same crystals found all over the land. Leaning against the arc was Leroy, arms crossed and tapping his finger against his arm impatiently, a bored look on his face. He soon looks up to see a dark purple nevermore flying towards the platform. Leroy stands up and unfolds his arms, waiting for the Grimm to land. Once it does, Grim jumps from its back, the Grimm soon disintegrating. Grim walks towards the stairs, passing Leroy.

Leroy:Boss, wait.

Grim stops, pausing before turning around and facing Leroy.

Grim:What is it now, Leroy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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