V2 Chapter 5:A Much Needed Talk

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In the ballroom, there are streamers and balloons all around, decorating the walls and tables for the upcoming dance. Off to the side, Ruby is seen sitting at a table, leaning on one of her hands with a sad expression. Until Weiss came up and put two pieces of cloth in front of her, catching her attention.

Weiss:I need you to pick a tablecloth. (slides cloths closer to Ruby)

Ruby looks at the two, before gaining a look of confusion and looking back at Weiss.

Ruby:Aren't they both the same?

Weiss:(sighs) I don't even know why I asked.

Weiss walks away, allowing Ruby to go back to her sad state, puting her head in her arms on the table. Behind her, Yang and Skylar come in, each carrying a large speaker. They put the speakers down, causing the table, chair, and Ruby to bounce up a bit, which doesn't effect her. Yang dust off her hands as she walks up to Ruby.

Yang:So, have you picked out a dress yet?

Ruby:What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake and Y/n aren't going?

Skylar:(walks next to Yang) Oh don't worry, they'll be there.

Yang looks to her side, only to see Weiss setting doilies on the tables.

Yang:Weiss! I thought we agreed! No doilies!

Weiss:(walks up to Yang) If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines.

The four hear the doors to the ballroom opening. They turn to see Sun and Neptune walk in.

Neptune:Your dance is gonna have fog machines?

Weiss:We were thinking about it.

Neptune:That's pretty cool.

Skylar:(whispers to Yang) Well her opinion changed fast.

Sun:You ladies all exited for dress up?

Ruby:Pfft, yeah right.

Yang:Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night.

Weiss:What are you two wearing?

Sun:Uh, (motions to himself) this.

Neptune:(puts hand in front of Sun) Ignore him, for he knows not what he says.

Sun:(pushes Neptune's hand aside) Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kinda place.

The four girls look at him with deadpan expressions.

Skylar:Trust me, we noticed.

Sun:So, uh... What does Blake think of all this? She still being all, ya know... Blake-y?


Ruby:I still can't think of a way to change their minds.

Sun:Their? As in multiple people?

Skylar:Yeah, Y/n is also acting all, "Blake-y."

Neptune:Why is he like that?

Yang:We don't know. Everytime we ask, he changes the subject and leaves. But trust me. Blake and Y/n will be at the dance tomorrow.

Skylar:Yeah, we'll make sure of it.

Yang and Skylar walk out of the room, leaving the others confused.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n sleeping at a desk, until chibi Blake shook him awake

In the library, Blake and Y/n are seen sitting at a table away from everyone else. Blake is once again on the computer, while Y/n is sitting in a chair next to her, head on his arm on the table, seemingly asleep. As Blake continues to use the computer, a red dot appears in the screen, catching her attention. She stares at the dot as it moves around the screen before going to her hand and disappearing. She turns to see who was controlling it, only to find no one suspicious. She looks back at the computer and goes back to work, only for the dot to appear on her hand again, distracting her. She turns again to find someone, but sees nothing again. She goes back to work, only for the dot to appear for a third time, annoying her. She slams her fists on the table and stands up, only to hear Y/n talk to her.

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