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"It's cold." That was my first thought, as I woke. I raise my head looking around, noticing a tall man, with black hair, green eyes, and a mustache, in a lab coat standing near me. He has an air of joy around him.

???: I've done it ha ha.

He jumps around clearly excited, and I look at myself noticing I have black fur, paws, and a tail. I look down, and see that I'm on some sort of metal keeping me above the ground. I jump down, filled with curiosity, and begin to walk around the room. I feel something behind me, so I turn to see the man looking at me nervously. 

???: How are you walking? You shouldn't be mobile for another day.

I notice I am no taller than his knee but other than that I decide to pay him no mind, and continue to explore. I walk past another one of the metal...  "tables that's the word." I see multiple small metal objects on top of them, but none of them interest me. As I round the corner of the table I come face to face with...

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A creature with black fur, white bone like armor, and a glowing orange spot on it's chest. I bare my teeth in an attempt to frighten it, but in bares it's teeth right back at me. I hear footsteps pound against the tiled floor and the man stands between me and the other creature. I look up to his face, and he looks nervous, as well as a little angry.

???: NO, do not attack the mirror.

I tilt my head to the side not understanding what a "mirror" is. He sighs seeing he'll have to explain it to me.

???: Ok let me think... ok so a mirror or looking-glass is something that reflects light. One common plane mirror is a piece of special flat glass that a person can look into to see a reflection of themselves or what is behind them. 

He steps to the side letting me look at the mirror again, and I walk up to it sniffing it. "It smells like nothing" I turn away and go back to looking around the room. After a few minutes I look over, and see the man sitting in a chair writing in a book. I walk over to his side, and look up at him. He seems to notice, looks over to me, smiles, and scratches between my ears. I enjoy the feeling, so I lean my head into it.

???: With you by my side Atlas will have to choose my project over Polendina's. *he looks away smiling* you need a name.

He looks back to me his smile growing wider. He reaches into his desk, pulling out what looks like a collar. He slips  it onto my neck, before typing something on the collar. Once he's done he leans back in his chair.

???: I name you Fenrir, after the great wolf.

A loud banging rings out inside the room making both me, and the man jump. My fur stands on edge and I growl. He puts a hand on my back, and looks to a door in the wall.

???: Hold on a second.

He motions to a box in the corner.

??? *whispering*: Hide behind there, you can not be seen yet.

He heads to the door, and I follow his command. As I hide behind the box he opens the door, and he seems surprised by who it is.

???: General Ironside,  Lieutenant Ironwood, what a surprise I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow. 

The door slams open, and two men enter. One is an older man with almost completely white hair, and green eyes. The other is significantly younger with black hair, and blue eyes. The older man, whom I assume is Ironside steps forward, a mad look in his eyes.

Ironside: Don't play games with me Arthur Watts, I know you took the stone. (takes a deep breath) Just hand it over, and we'll forget this ever happened. 

The man now known as Arthur Watts takes a few steps back.

Watts: I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

Ironside, and Ironwood take a step forward, furrowing their brows.

Ironside: Watts, what have you done.

Watts motions for me to come out of hiding. I hesitate for a moment, before slowly emerging from my hiding spot. The two men gasp when they see me, and the younger one draws his weapon, pointing it at me. To which I crouch ready to pounce.

Ironwood *yelling*: What the hell is that thing doing here!?

Watts jumps in-between us, and stares at Ironwood.

Watts: He is my project I have been working on, the one that I needed the stone to complete.

Ironsides eyes widen as he seems to realize what Watts has done. He slowly draws a sword, and points it at Watts.

Ironside: Doctor Watts, I am going to have to ask you to stand aside. What you have created could jeopardize the whole world. A Grimm with a soul could command the Grimm.

Watts *frantic*: I know, but if we can train him to be on our side we could turn the Grimm either to our side, or against each other.

Ironside looks over to ironwood, and nods. He nods back before shooting a bolt of lighting at Watts. I back up scared for my own safety, and Ironside walks next to the stunned body of Watts.

Ironside: I'm sorry Watts, that's just not a chance I'm willing to take. Now you-

He continues to walk towards me sword raised.

Ironside: Stay still, and I'll make this as painless as posib-

Instinct takes over me, and I charge at his legs knocking them out from under him making him fall. Ironwood raises his gun to me but, I quickly do the same to Ironwood before he has a chance to react. I look back to Watts and he waves his hand franticly to the door.

Watts *yelling*: RUN FENRIR RUN.

Without hesitation I do so. I run, and run. I run down several corridors being shot at the entire time. A shot grazes my shoulder, but I keep running. I eventually make it to a very large open area, with several large floating vehicles. Hearing my pursuers gaining on me I jump into one with the door closing, barley making it. Once the door fully closes I take the moment to catch my breath, as I do so I hear somebody coming toward me. In a panic I jump into a open box, and huddle down, making myself as small as I can.

???: Hey who left this box open?

I am enveloped in total darkness as the lid closes. I sigh in relief, and decide to get comfortable, because this may be a long trip. As I sit there I see the glow from the stone in my chest. I look down, and see the light pulsing like a heartbeat.

"What am I?"

Well that's all I have for now, I hope you enjoyed. So until next time TTFN and have a good day.

I own no photo used.

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