Chapter Six - Battle of the Beasts

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A/N: Think of the picture as a size comparison. 

The shattered moon shines through the trees of the forest near Gévaudan, the wind blows, carrying the stench of fresh blood, and the two beasts stand against each other. The Beast of Gévaudan, and the Grimm with a soul. The Grimm stands between the beast, and a heavily injured General ironwood, with a single thought on his mind.

POV: Fenrir

 "I should have just stayed back in the other forest." 

I stare into the silver eyes of the beast, growing into my larger form, matching the beast in size, and hopefully strength. I hear a grown of pain from Ironwood, who then speaks, through clenched teeth. 

Ironwood: Tear that thing apart. 

*start music*

I am more than happy to oblige. I lunge at the beast, opening my jaws to bite, and extending my claws to slash. The beast lunges at me in return, and our claws lock, as we bite at each other. I bite at  it's arm, as it bites into my shoulder. the beast then grabs my hind leg, and throws me into a tree, barley missing a strange white bird. I shake my head, and look up to see the beast walking on it's hind legs toward Ironwood. I rise to my feet, as the beast raises its claws to strike him. I growl, and charge at it tackling it to the ground. While I stand on top of it I dig my claws into it's side, making it howl in pain. I am next to feel pain, as it's hind claws plunge into my gut as it kicks me off, sending me flying once again into a tree. I look down to the wound seeing a black substance ooze from the wound. I hear growling coming from above me so I look up.

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The beast stands over me, and roars down at me in anger. I attempt to get up but the beast stomps one of it's hind legs down on me, pinning me to the ground. It raises its claws high into the air, preparing it end me.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

A trio of bullets rips through the air hitting the beast in its back, and arm making it bellow in pain. I look over to ironwood holding his gun with his remaining arm. The beast looks to Ironwood murderous intent in its eyes. Ironwood flips his gun into the air, catching it by the barrel, and holding it like a club. He smirks.

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