Chapter Fifteen - The Queen's Hand

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A/N: Before we get started, a little heads up.

Bold: Grimm

Normal: Human

POV: Fenrir

???: Him, my queen wants him.

I keep snarling at the human, but can't help but tilt my head in confusion. Summer then speaks up, still keeping her weapon at them.

Summer: Why does she want him?

The human shrugs extending the claws from their wrist again, and pointing them at Ruby.

???: I don't know, all I know is that she has taken a strong fascination with him, and that I was given orders to bring him to her regardless of who gets in my way. Now...

The human holds their claws closer to ruby's neck. Ruby was struggling a bit in their grasp but stops as the claws touch her skin. 

???: The Grimm comes with me, and your precious little flower here will not be cut.

Ruby starts crying, and I feel my anger intensify as well as Summer's fear. Out of the corner of my eye I see summer start to shake, and I feel her emotions go wild. I stop growling at the human, and look at Summer, then to Ruby. "No my life isn't worth as much as theirs." I turn into my smaller form, hang my head in surrender, and start to walk towards the other human. The human laughs, as I approach them.

???: Good Grimm, come to your new master.

Summer: Fenrir no!

I look back to Summer, and whimper as I keep walking. "Must protect Ruby." Once I'm at the side of the other human I look down at the ground, to ashamed to even look at either Summer or Ruby. I feel a hand roughly pat my head, and I growl slightly, earning a static sounding laugh. After they stop laughing, the whistle very loudly, and something comes from the forest behind us with the sound of an avalanche. Then something slams into my back, forcing me to the ground, and knocking all the air out of me. I yelp in surprise and pain, and try to rise to my feet, but a deep growl sounds behind me, and a massive weight presses down on my back, pushing down to the ground.

???: Stay Down pup.

 I can feel my bone armor start to crack under the weight, and I howl out in pain.

Ruby: Stop it, your hurting him!

???: Quiet little flower.

The weight lifts suddenly, and I hear the heavy footsteps of whatever it was walk around to the other side of the human. I look up to see it standing next to them.

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