Chapter Nine - Second Return

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I slowly wake up, but instantly wish I had just stayed asleep. My head is pounding like a beowolf smacked me in the head several times, and my body feels sore all over. I move my paw to my head, and rub it. "Ow, why does my...   everything hurt?" I think for a moment before remembering the brown haired girl, and her strange yellow whip. "she must have some sort of strange power at her control. I must be cautious the next time we meet." After a few seconds I notice the signature rumbling of one of the flying vehicles. I open my eyes, and my thoughts are confirmed. I find myself laying down on one of the vehicles seats, with one of those so called blankets draped over me. I think about shaking it off but decide to just rest, until I hear a familiar voice. 

???: Welcome back.

I look up.

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My eyes widen as I see Ironwood with both of his arms, and legs, looking as if he had never been injured. He walks over to me, opening, and closing his right hand. He sits down in the seat next to me. He looks at his hand, and then to me, seeming to notice me staring at his arm, and leg.

Ironwood: Pegasus, and his company provided me with cybernetics to replace my arm, and leg.

He lets out a humorless chuckle, examining his hand.

Ironwood: It's funny, if I didn't know that I lost my arm, or my leg I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. 

His emotions, and expression darkens, as an itch forms where the black haired girl hurt me. However after a moment he smiles, and the itch, goes away.

Ironwood: Pegasus also told me how you where able to defeat the beast, so I guess I owe you an apology, and my thanks.

I tilt my head to the side, not understanding. "It wasn't me who defeated the beast." 

Ironwood: You have my thanks for defeating the beast, and you have my apologies for not trusting you. If it weren't for you I would most likely be dead. *he pats my head* Good Grimm.

My tale wags, and I feel a familiar sense of pride at hearing that. He chuckles slightly, and I feel his mood improve greatly. He then smirks a bit.

Ironwood: He also told me how you where defeated by a little girl.

My tail stops wagging, and I growl in slight annoyance, to which he laughs, patting me on the shoulder.

Ironwood: Don't worry that secret is safe with me.

A door opens reveling a man with a pair of horns jutting from his head.

???: Excuse me General, but we are approaching Beacon academy.

Ironwood nods.

Ironwood: Thank you.

After a few minutes we land, and ironwood looks to me.

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