Chapter Three - Return

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POV: Fenrir

After I rescued Ruby from the beowolves I decided it would be best if I took her home, and then retreat back into the forest before they try to kill me. I look up seeing the sun in now high in the sky. "Ruby's parents should notice she's gone by now." I hear Ruby yawn, so I look back, and tilt my head. She smiles, and pats me on the head.

Ruby: Sorry, I'm just a little tired.

I close my eyes, focusing on the energy from before, and make myself big enough for her to lay down on my back. She seems to realize this, and lays her head down on my fur. She closes her eyes and I smile, continuing to her home, but I can not shake the feeling that I'm being watched. I look around only seeing a flicker of what looks like red mist then nothing. I shake my head, and continue walking. After an hour of walking her home comes into sight.

POV: Third 

Place: Xiao Long/Rose residence

Summer rose, and Taiyang stand in the kitchen of their house making breakfast when summer turns to her husband.

Summer: I'll finish making breakfast, why don't you go and get the girls?

Tai nods, making his way out of the kitchen. He then makes his way through the house, and up the stairs coming to the room of Yang. He nocks on the door, and after hearing a grumble of acknowledgment enters.

Tai: Good morning my little sun dragon, breakfast is almost ready.

At the mention of food yang perks up a bit, and drags herself out of bed heading downstairs. Tai chuckles a bit, and continues to ruby's room. He knocks on the door, and hears nothing. He knocks again, getting slightly worried when he doesn't hear a response.

Tai: Ruby, you ok in there?

He opens the door seeing her bed empty, and gets extremely worried. He looks around the room franticly.

Tai: Ruby!? Ruby!? Where are you!?

After searching the entire room Tai runs, back into the kitchen, making summer, and Yang jump.

Summer: Tai what's wrong?

Tai: Ruby's gone.

Yang, and Summer's eyes widen in shock.

Summer: Where could she have gone.

Tai: I don't know, but she couldn't have gone far.

Summer nods, and looks to Yang.

Summer: Yang, you stay here in case she comes back.

Yang's eyes turn red, as she frowns, and she smacks her fists together.

Yang: And if anything hurt her, I'll make sure they pay.

Summer then looks to Tai.

Summer: Tai call Qrow he'll be able to cover more ground than us.

Tai nods, but a knock is heard, making all of them turn to look at the door. They all rush to open it, and are surprised by who they see.

Summer: Qrow, Professor Ozpin? What are you doing here?

A rustle of bushes cuts off the conversation, before It can begin.

POV: Fenrir

 As I pass through the bushes that surround the house, I stop as I notice four adults, one with hair like ruby's, one with black greying hair, one with completely grey hair and a man as well as a child with yellow hair in front of the house. I decide it's worth getting her home, so I slowly approach the house making no attempt to conceal myself, as to not alarm them. However as I approach the little girl points at me, and all but the man with the grey hair prepare to attack. I instantly stop, and remain perfectly still. Ruby stirs on my back, sits up, and yawns. She notices her family, and waves.

Ruby: Hi mommy, hi daddy.

Everyone stands their slack jawed, well everyone except the man with grey hair, he smirks. The woman with hair like ruby's steps forward with a worried look on her face.

Older Ruby: Ruby get away from that thing.

Ruby jumps off of my back, then hugs my leg.

Ruby: No, I won't let you hurt him, he's not like the other Grimm, he's good.

That's when I notice the man with black hair has vanished. I look slightly to the left, and


Something hits me in the side, sending me skidding across the ground. I lay there for a moment stunned, but I eventually stand, looking back to where I was standing a moment ago, and what I see enrages me. I see Ruby knocked onto the ground with the man with black hair standing over her with a worried expression. Enraged I charge at him, growing in size, and growing the spikes along my body. I ram my shoulder into him, stabbing his arm with one of my spikes, making him scream in agony. As he stumbles back, grabbing at his arm, I stand over Ruby, and growl menacingly at him. I ready myself to pounce at him but I feel something wrap itself around my leg, and I look down. Ruby is hugging my leg, and looking up at me with wide eyes, shaking her head. My expression softens, and I shrink myself back to the size of a regular wolf, retracting my spikes. I crouch down to the ground, and she wraps her arms around my neck, stroking the back of my neck.

Ruby: I'm sorry, this wasn't suppose to happen.

She continues to stroke the back of my neck until we hear footsteps approach. She lets go of me, turning around, while I raise my head. The rest of them are slowly approaching us, looking ready to fight. I rise standing behind ruby, making them all tense up, except for once again the man with grey hair. I lower my head to Ruby's back, and give her a nudge forward toward the others. She looks back at me a saddened look in her eye, but I smile the best I can, and nod. She hesitates but makes her way toward them.  When she reaches them most of them embrace her, with the man with black hair glaring at me, but the man with grey hair walks up to me, softly smiling. He kneels down looking into my eyes.

Grey: Hello Fenrir.

That's all I have for now, I hope you have enjoyed. so until next time TTFN, and have a good day.

I own no photo used.

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