Chapter seventeen: The wolf, the Raven, and the Wendigo.

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The bloody claws of Alastor strain against the crimson blade of raven, as the two stand opposite each other. Alastor smiles as his crimson eyes stare into Raven's.

Alastor: Hello Rave, been a long time.

Raven sneers, sweeping her legs at his, making him jump away. With a twirl of movement she stands up pointing her sword at the deranged Faunus.

Raven: Not nearly long enough. 

Alastor holds his hand to his chest in mock hurt.

Alastor: Oh Raven you wound me. Especially after all the years of fun.

Raven's eyes narrow, as she clenches her teeth.

Raven: Was that before, or after you tried to eat me?

Alastor leans his head back, howling with laughter. Raven takes advantage of this momentary distraction and lunges at him. However Alastor had been expecting this, and jumps backwards.

 What he hadn't expected are the claws of Fenrir that slam into his side sending him flying towards raven, who in turn slashes at him with Omen, sending him flying off into the dark of the woods. Raven looks up at the massive Fenrir, and smirks. The two look off into the woods as the glowing eyes of a now furious Alastor glare back at them. Raven glances at summer, and the still unconscious Ruby, before looking into the woods.

Raven: Yang.

Yang suddenly runs out from the trees, and over to Summer and Ruby, a determined look on her face. Summer looks down her stunned, before glaring at Raven. However before she can do or say anything, Yang grabs Ruby, and runs toward Raven, who swipes her sword through the air, opening a portal. Yang stops before the portal, looks at the faunus, and lifts her hand into the air, presenting her middle finger to him.

Summer: Yang!

Raven: That's my girl.

Yang runs through the portal, and Raven closes it, looking back to Summer, a condescending smirk coming across her face. 

Raven: I sometimes wonder, how all of you survived without me?

Sumer's demeanor softens, and she chuckles, before grabbing her weapon, and standing up.

Summer: sometimes I wonder that myself.

Summer, twirls her weapon at her side, confident that the two of them can take on the Faunus. Raven glances at Fenrir, then back to the horde of grimm being lead by the large Alpha Beowolf, and grimaces.

Raven: Think you can deal with that?

Fenrir snaps his jaws, and growls at Alastor as he walks out of the woods. Summer smirks, and pats Fenrir on the shoulder.

Summer: don't worry, he won't get away from us..

With a final growl of annoyance Fenrir turns, facing down the Horde of Grimm.

POV: Fenrir

I turn from the Human that hurt Ruby to look to the Grimm that follows him, and snarl.

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