Chapter Two - Search

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POV: Ruby

It's been almost a weak since I let the Grimm out of the house. I decided not to tell mom or dad, because they might hurt it, and it doesn't deserve that. But I think it would be ok to tell Yang, she might believe that he's ok. Yang, and I are outside playing tag in the yard when I decide to tell her.

Ruby: Yang do you think it's possible for a Grimm to be good?

Yang thinks to herself for a second before responding.

Yang: I don't think so mom, and dad say that all Grimm are evil, soulless monsters, that will destroy everything in their paths. 

My shoulders slump slightly in disappointment. "I guess she wouldn't believe me either."

Yang: Hey Ruby are you ok?

Ruby: Huh? Oh yea I'm ok just tired I guess.

Yang shrugs, and starts heading back to the house. 

Yang: I'm heading back inside, those clouds don't look good.

I look up and see a wall of black clouds coming in fast. I look over to forest, and back to yang.

Ruby: I'll be in in a minute.

Yang nods, and goes inside. I go over to the garbage, grabbing a blanket that was ruined when I "accidentally" dragged it through the mud and a box that mom got from atlas. I drag the box a few feet into the forest, and put the blanket in the box. I step back, and look at my work. 

Ruby: I think they'll like it.

???: Who will like what?

Ruby: Ahhh!

I jump away from the voice, and yelp in surprise. I turn around, and look straight up into the face of my uncle crow. I smile from ear to ear, run, and hug his leg.

Ruby: Uncle Qrooooooow. Hi, did you miss me? Did you miss me?

He chuckles, ruffling my hair.

Qrow: Nope. Now what's this about?

I freeze up slightly, and look up at his face.

Ruby: It's uh...  I... 

Qrow: Ruby?

I sigh, and decide to just tell him the truth. Well most of it.

Ruby: I saw a dog out here, and I didn't want it to be out in the rain.

He smiles, picking me up, and putting me on his shoulders.

Qrow: Don't worry kid, your secret is safe with me, but if you find it you should probably tell your parents if you want to keep it.

I smile resting my chin on his head.

Ruby: Don't worry, I will.

Qrow: I know you will. Now we should probably get inside.

Just as he says that a raindrop falls on my head, and we make our way in side.

POV: Third

As the two make their way inside it begins to rain harder. If the two had been out just a few seconds longer they would have heard some bushes in the woods rustle, as a black creature the size of a wolf walks into the box slowly settling down, and laying it's head down. 

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