Chapter Five - The Beast Of Gévaudan

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I am awoken by a the feeling of something shaking me. I yawn, and open my eyes, noticing my head seems to have moved onto Schnee's lap. I look up to her face, sensing a feeling of uneasiness. She looks down at me with a serious face.

Schnee: We have arrived.

I stand jumping down to the floor, and stretching my back. Ozpin enters, and looks down to me, an unsure look on his face. He kneels down looking me in the eyes.

Ozpin: Are you ready?

I nod, and he sighs doing the same. 

Ozpin: Very well. Schnee.

She stands up straight. 

Ozpin: When we meet up with Ironwood you are not to leave his side. Am I understood?

She nods, looking slightly confused.

Schnee: If I may ask sir, why?

Ozpin: Because this is your first mission, and it would be safest for you to stay either by his side, or mine.

She nods, and the door to the vehicle opens revealing a small village of stone buildings.

Ozpin: Welcome to Gévaudan.

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As the sun sinks below the horizon we exit the vehicle, and walk down the main street of the village. I look from side to side noticing just how quiet it is. It's like a ghost town, It's kind of freaking me out. I sense Schnee feels the same way, but we keep walking. An old man sitting quietly in the street notices us, or more specifically me, and calls out to us.

Old Man*yelling*: We already have one beast, why the hell did you feel the need to bring another?

He throws something at me, but Schnee swipes her sword at it, cutting whatever it was in half. The old man sneers at her, but just turns away, walking down an alleyway. She looks down at me, and I nod, thanking her, and we continue through the town. Once we reach the other side of the town, we see a group of the flying vehicles, with a bunch of atlesian soldiers, as well as a familiar looking black haired man.

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