Chapter Thirteen - Hunting with a Huntress

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A month has past since Qrow told Summer about the other failed attempts to combine the soul stone with different grimm. Since then Fenrir, and Summer have taken on several missions together, with Fenrir being able to grow into larger with each mission. Their latest mission took them to anima to deal with a few groups of Grimm that were threatening a small town. The grimm were dispatched, but the airship they had arrived in had been damaged, meaning the had to make their way on foot to a village with an airship. After a few days of travel the duo came upon just such a town.

Shion, a lovely little town in the heart of anima. A peaceful town, or at least it should be. Currently however a small horde of about fifty grimm have decided to wipe it off the map. The horde of Grimm run through the streets chasing down a group of villagers. A small blond boy with blue eyes trips, falling to the ground, and the Grimm seeing the easy prey focus on him. The boy tries to crawl away, but it's far to late for that. The lead most beowolf leaps toward the boy teeth bared, and claws extended to rip. However just then a gunshot rigs through the air, as the beowolf falls over, a newly acquired hole in it's head. The boy scurries away, franticly looking around for his savior. He looks up seeing a woman in a white cloak, holding a rifle atop one of the houses. 

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The woman fires several more shots into the grimm, killing a few of them, drawing their attention to her. The grimm growl menacingly at her, and try to climb the building to get to her. However she just smirks, and let's out a shrill whistle. A few surprised screams from deeper in the village draw the gimms' attention away from the woman, and towards the black mass running at them. 


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This new Grimm jumps over the stunned form of the boy, and into the horde. The Grimm's tail wraps around the neck of a beowolf, and swings it into it's comrades, earning several loud growls. The Grimm roars loudly at the horde before launching into them, ripping and tearing it's way through them. As it does this the woman shoots at any grimm that happen to get past it, or that try to get it from the side. Soon enough though she runs out of ammo, as the horde dwindles down to only ten. She then jumps off the building, her gun turning into a long bladed spear. She whistles twice, and the Grimm which has sustained several injuries by this point steps back allowing her to take on the remaining Beowolves. She easily dispatches all of them, except one that tried to sneak around, and attack her back. However with a surprised yelp, the Spiked grimm jumps onto it digging its claws into the beowolf's skull. Soon enough the battlefield of a town goes silent, as the woman walks up to the Grimm patting it's head.

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