Chapter one - A friend

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I am jolted awake by the box hitting the ground very hard. I shake my head bringing me fully back to consciousness. The first thing I notice is that the hum of the vehicle is completely gone. The second is a voice, no two voices Outside the box, one male, and one female. I press my ear against the box to listen better.

???(M): What do you have there dear?

???(FM): A new order of weapon parts from atlas.

???(M): I would expect nothing else from you.

I hear a pair of footsteps approaching the box, and I tense ready to jump out. That's when I hear more footsteps, these ones sounding much smaller, and going much faster. Then a high pitched voice cuts through the air.

???(H): Mommy, Daddy, Yang stole my cookie.

Yet another set of footsteps approach, and the one I assume is Yang speaks.

Yang: I did not, Ruby ate it.

The two then begin to argue until the female voice cuts in.

???(FM): Both of you settle down. How about this, I'll make some cookies, and we can all have some.

Both of the other voices cheer in victory and they run off. There is a slight chuckle.

???(M) Another dispute solved by the magnificent summer.

The one known as summer chuckles, and starts to walk away.

Summer: I know I'm the best.

The other one begins to walk away, and I relax slightly.

Time skip: A few hours.

After a few hours of waiting, all is silent. I lightly prod the lid of the box, and it easily slides off. I grin, jumping out of the box, and onto the floor. I wince slightly as the shoulder that was grazed by the bullet sears in pain. I look around, and see that I am inside a wooden structure, most likely a house. With A low table in the center, a shelf with some books on it, a staircase in the corner, and a few things I don't recognize. I growl at myself slightly for knowing some things but not others. I shake my head, and start to look for a way out of the house. luckily there are several holes in the walls letting moonlight in. "well this will be easier than I thought." I jump onto a table, and jump toward the hole. 


I stager back holding a paw to my head. "ow what was that?" I shake my head before I slowly raise my paw to the hole only to be stopped by an invisible barrier. "what sorcery is this?" I sniff the surface, and discover that it smells just like the mirror back in my creators lab. "It must be another glass object." 


My shoulders tense as I hear a gasp behind me. I slowly turn my head, and see a small human, with black hair, and silver eyes standing, wide eyed at the bottom of the stairs. I feel a sense of danger when I look into her eyes, like they are something I should fear. I slowly edge back away from her until my back legs go off the table making me fall backwards. I yelp in pain as I hit the floor, but I slowly stand looking back to the stairs, but my hind legs give out on me making me fall back to the ground. I dare to look back at my leg and see that its caught in some sort of cloth. I kick my legs trying to escape it, but this just causes more of it to fall on me. I growl slightly in annoyance, but immediately stop as I hear footsteps approaching me. I whip my head around coming face to face with the girl. However this time she doesn't seem as scared of me. She has a soft look in her eyes, as she reaches a hand toward me. I close my eyes, staying perfectly still expecting pain, but I feel nothing. I open one of my eyes seeing her smile down at me.

???: It's ok I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Ruby.

She scratches behind my ears making me relax. She chuckles slightly.

Ruby: You're different from the other Grimm, I can tell.

She stops scratching me, and moves toward the cloth.

Ruby: Just give me a sec, I'll get that blanket off you.

She easily unwraps my legs, and I stand up coming to her eye level. She smiles, and starts to scratch behind my ears again. She looks down noticing the wound in my shoulder.

Ruby: *gasp* You got a boo boo. Here sit down, while I get a bandage. 

She forces me to sit down, and she runs off, she quickly returns carrying a small box. She sets it down rummaging through it until she pulls out a small thin object. She pulls something off of it then places it over my wound, and places a small kiss on it. She smiles up at me.

Ruby: There all better.

I nuzzle the top of her head in thanks noticing she smells like flowers. She giggles, but a noise from upstairs makes her stop, and look toward the stairs. A light turns on at the top of the stairs, and a tired sounding voice is heard.

???(M): Ruby *yawn* is that you?

Ruby looks between the stairs and me, motioning for me to get against the wall. I do and she covers me with the cloth.

Ruby: Yea daddy I was just getting a drink.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

???(M): I thought I heard a thud.

Ruby: Oh that... I uhh tripped.

???(M): Are you ok?

Ruby: Yea I'm ok.

The other voice yawns, and starts walking back up the stairs.

???(M): Ok, as soon as you're done, its straight back to bed ok?

Ruby: OK daddy

After a few seconds the cloth is lifted off of me allowing me to see again. I look over to Ruby who seems relived. She motions for me to follow her, and she leads me to the door. She opens it, motioning me to leave, with a sad look on her face.

Ruby: Mommy, and Daddy are hunters, if they see you they'll have to get rid of you. So you should probably leave.

Her eyes become wet as she looks at me. I nuzzle my head against her side trying to cheer her up. It slightly works as she giggles again. I turn away, and quickly make my way to the woods Before I reach them I stop, looking back to see ruby smiling , and waving at me. "goodbye Ruby thank you." I turn running into the woods.

That's all I have for now I hope you have enjoyed. However before you go I have a question for you.

Should the Grimm's name be changed? (As a reminder currently it's Fenrir.)

Yes or no

And if so, what should they be called?

Until next time TTFN and have a good day.

I own no photo used.

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