Chapter Four - Request

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Grey: Hello Fenrir.

As the grey haired man says my name all the people present look at him shocked, including me. The man with black hair walks toward us, holding his bleeding arm, and seeming a little angry. 

Black hair: You mean to tell me, you knew about that thing, and you didn't tell me!?

The man with grey hair stands turning to face the other man.

Grey: Qrow I told you that Ironwood informed me were he might be, not what he is capable of.

The man known as Qrow rolls his eyes, and takes his hand away from his arm revealing it has been fully healed.

Qrow: Just like lieutenant Jimmy to leave out something as important as that.

Grey: It's General now, Ironside retired. And no one knows what he is capable of since his creator, Doctor watts disappeared during the Paladin incident. 

My chest hurts a little at the thought of my creator being hurt. But I don't dwell on it too much, as Qrow rolls his eyes again, and looks back to me.

Qrow: So we found it what now?

Grey: Under normal circumstances the best course of action would be to eliminate him.

I growl low in my throat, and rise to my feet making it clear I will not go down without a fight. Qrow notices, and draws a sword that is as big as me in my current form. However Grey puts his hand on Qrow's arm lowering it.

Grey: However given that he seems docile unless provoked I would like to test him.

Qrow: Test him how?

Grey smiles walking over to me, and kneeling down on my level.

Grey: There is a village on the northern coast of Anima known as Gévaudan, which has been the site of multiple attacks done by what people there have named, the beast. I would like him to go, and stop the beast.

Qrow steps up next to him, and looks at me.

Qrow: Why not have some Atlesian soldiers get this Beast.

Grey stands shaking his head, and sighing.

Grey: We have, but unfortunately they have not had much luck with it. It seems to be bullet proof, and never gets close enough for hand to hand combat. And even those that do get close enough are...

He pauses looking back to the others, or more specifically Ruby, and the yellow haired girl.

Grey: ...they go missing.

Qrow then looks to me seemingly disappointed.

Qrow: I don't know... *he sighs*  But if you think it will work.

Grey nods, and looks back to me.

Grey: Well, will you help us?

I look between the two men, then to Ruby who has been slowly making her way toward Qrow, and by extension me. I begin to walk toward her, and she walks toward me. When we reach each other, I feel the emotions of her family, and feel them ready to attack me at any moment, but all I do is look to Grey, and Motion my head toward her. After a few seconds his eyes, along with everyone elses eyes widen as they understand.

Grey: You want to stay with her, don't you?

I nod, which makes their eyes go wider, but the yellow haired girl speaks up.

Yellow Girl: I wouldn't mind having a Grimm as a pet. I mean come on that's so cool.

She then walks over to me, and Ruby, and sticks her hand out to me. I flinch back a little, but as she begins to stroke my fur, I lean into it, enjoying the feeling. I then feel a peculiar sensation coming from my tale, and look back to see it waging slightly. I hear chuckling, and look back to see grey looking between me, and Ruby's parents a wide smile on his face.

Grey: Well Summer, Tai, what do you say?

Summer, and Tai look between each other, and sigh.

Tai: I suppose it wouldn't be so bad.

Summer: And besides.

She walks over to me kneeling down, and looking into my eyes, with an intensity that could set the forest ablaze. 

Summer: If you, ever hurt my children, I will end you.

Her silver eyes glow slightly as she says this making me back away slightly in fear, and unintentionally shrink down to the size of a fox. "I am regretting my whole life, and I haven't even done anything" A smirk comes across her face as she turns, and walks back to tai. Grey then walks in front of us, and smiles.

Grey: It's settled then, If you help Gévaudan with the Beast, you may stay here. Does that idea sound appealing?

My tale wags, and I nod rapidly. He smiles, and starts walking down the road, motioning for me to follow.

Grey: I'll bring him back when the beast has been dealt with.

I nuzzle the top of Ruby's head, as my way of saying goodbye , and rush to catch up with Grey. Once I reach his side I look back to see Ruby smiling, and waving at me. I howl back, and continue to walk with Grey. He looks down to me, smiling slightly.

Grey: I do not believe we've had a formal introduction. My name is Ozpin, it's good to meet you Fenrir.

I Brush against his side, as if to say, "Likewise". After a while of walking we come to a town, that I had noticed during my time in the forest but I had kept my distance to be safe. As we walk through the town almost every eye is on me, making me feel a little apprehensive. I feel a hand on my back, and look up to see Ozpin, with a look on his face that seems to calm me. We eventually reach one of the flying vehicles that I jumped onto back at my creators lab. However this one seems a bit bigger. We enter, and I notice a young lady with snow white hair, light blue eyes, and a sword on her hip.

 We enter, and I notice a young lady with snow white hair, light blue eyes, and a sword on her hip

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Ozpin: Ahh miss Schnee, I presume everything is ready for our departure?

She salutes.

Schnee: Yes sir. *looks down to me* So this is the Grimm, doctor Watts made before he disappeared? I must say, it is not as impressive, as I was expecting.

He chuckles, leaning down to pat me on the head.

Ozpin: Don't let him fool you, he was able to injure Qrow quite easily.

A ghost of a smile forms on her face, and I feel her emotions go from uninterested to amused. Ozpin then walks through a set of doors, leaving me alone with Schnee. She goes, and sits down on one of the seats that line the vehicle. 

Schnee: I recommend you brace yourself we're about to take off.

I tilt my head in confusion, not completely understanding her. A loud droning sound begins to start, getting progressively louder, and suddenly the vehicle jerks upward, making me jump in surprise. After calming down I jump up onto the seat next to Schnee, laying down on the seat closing my eyes, and letting out a yawn. I feel someone scratching between my ears, making me feel more relaxed. After a few more seconds, I fall asleep.

That's all I have for now, I hope you have enjoyed. Until next time TTFN, and have a good day.

I own no photo used.

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