Chapter Eight - Menagerie

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A/N: Ok so I think I have some explaining to do. I was originally going to have this story be a side story to The millennium master, but I have decided against that. However I don't really want to go back, and rewrite these chapters, so just think of it as a reference to my other story.  Anyway with that being said ON WITH THE SHOW!

I awake with a yawn, feeling a shifting weight on my back. I turn my head slightly seeing the still sleeping form of what was once the fearsome beast of Gévaudan, now in the form of a young boy, laying on my back. He seems to be having a nightmare, so I nuzzle my head against him in an attempt to calm him. It seems to work, and I smile. I hear a chuckle, and look up.

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The boy known as Pegasus sits across from me, with a smirk on his face. He stands walking over to me, and kneels down looking into my eyes. He has an air of amusement, and curiosity around him which in turn makes me curious.

Pegasus: You interest me, there has never been a Grimm with a soul to my knowledge. 

His smirk widens slightly.

Pegasus: Not to mention a Grimm with a soft spot for children. 

I look back to the child, and smile myself. "I suppose I do, First Ruby then this child." I hear footsteps approaching, so I look up, and see Adam approach us. He looks down to me, and even though I can not see his eyes I can feel the distain he has for me. He looks back over to Pegasus, his mood lightening a bit.

Adam: Ghira told me to let you know we're a few minutes away from home. 

Pegasus nods standing, and Adam begins walking away. He then looks back to me.

Pegasus: We should probably wake him up hmmm?

He motions to the boy still sleeping on my back, and I nod. I nuzzle the boy awake, and he yawns like he had just had the best night's sleep of his life. When he notices where he is he immediately slinks off my back, hiding behind me. He peaks out from behind me, and Pegasus smiles warmly.

Pegasus: Hello there, my name is Maximillion Pegasus. 

The boy's eyes look up to mine, as if to ask for approval. I nod, as he steps out slightly from behind me.

???: M-my name is Remus Lupin, but I prefer just Lupin. It's very nice to meet you.

They shake hands.

Pegasus: Well Lupin it is nice to meet you too. I have some questions for you, but until I can ask them you're going to be spending the day with a few friends of mine. Ok?

Lupin nods, and looks at me.

Lupin: Sorry for sleeping on your back.

I roll my eye, and brush the top of his head making him laugh. The vehicle lurches, before coming to a complete stop. Ghira, and sienna come up to Pegasus.

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