Chapter Eighteen - Aftermath

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The next day almost everyone was allowed to go home after Summer had the bite from the horned human checked out. Qrow still had to stay at the so called hospital for a day or two more. Apparently he got the worst of the Grimm's attack, aside from me of course. I'm still not entirely sure how I'm alive, but in the end I'm just happy to be going home with Ruby, and the others. On the way home Summer spilt off from the group, saying she needed to talk to someone. So with Ruby ridding on my back our little group walk up the little path to the house. I hadn't gotten a good view of the house the other night, but now I see the door had been broken down, and a lot of the windows were smashed. There are also a lot of claw marks around the door and windows. I feel Ruby shake slightly, and her as well as Yang's fears increase. I move next to yang, who has been walking next to that Raven woman, and rub up against her side, trying to comfort her as Ruby buries her face in my fur. Yang reaches over, scratching me between the ears as her mood improves slightly. A sigh from Tai draws my attention to him as he looks at the broken windows. He then looks down to Ruby, Yang, and I.

Tai: Ruby, Yang could you please show Raven to the guest room?

Raven scowls a bit.

Raven: I remember where it is.

Everyone goes silent as Tai and Raven stare at each other for a few seconds. Eventually Tai nods, and Raven walks into the house. I can see that Yang wants to go with her, but stays where she is. Tai looks after Raven and sighs, before turning to us.

Tai: Why don't the three of you stay out here and play while I clean up the house?

Ruby, and yang nod. We go into the yard, and play for a little while. However after a while neither Ruby or yang seem in the mood to play anymore, so we just sit in the sun enjoying the warmth. Ruby is the first to fall asleep, followed soon by Yang, each of them using me as a pillow. After a while the sun sinks low in the distance I hear the sound of someone walking up the road to the house. I raise my head to see Sumer walking toward the house, before she notices us lying in the yard. She smiles at us, a hint of sadness in her eye. Summer walks over to us kneels down, and pats me on the head.

Summer(Whispering): Hey Fenrir. Everything alright?

I carefully nod my head, as to not wake Ruby or Yang. I wince, and almost yelp as Ruby grabs my tail, holding it tightly to her chest. Ruby yawns snuggling into my tail, and Summer quietly laughs when I look at her trying to plead with my eyes. "Summer please stop her from pulling on my tail." Sumer seems to notice my desperation, and carful pulls Ruby away from me. I sigh in relief when my tail is released from Ruby's Iron grip. Then my attention shifts to the still sleeping Yang. Given that Summer is carrying Ruby I Decide to carry Yang to their shared bedroom. I change into my larger spiked form, minus the spikes, and gently pick yang up by the back of her shirt, and set her on my back. With our respective charges Summer and I make our way for the house. Once we get closer I see Tai carrying out a few pieces of broken furniture, putting them on a pile of likewise broken furniture, glass and other debris. He notices us approaching, but just as he goes to speak he notices Ruby, sleeping in summer's arms, and Yang sleeping on my back. He just sighs, and smiles.

Tai(Whispering): Well at least two of us won't lose any sleep over this. Well, we might as well just turn in for the night. I think the rest would do us all a lot of good.

Summer let's out a tired sigh, and nods.

Summer(Whispering): That sounds like a good Idea.

At that we quietly make our way into the house. It is mostly empty now, all that remains are a few selves here, and there, as well as the couch witch has been pushed up against one of the walls. But aside from that there is something that sticks out like a sore paw. Claw marks litter the floor, and the stairs that lead to the second floor. I growl at the sight, as we continue up the stairs, and into Ruby and Yang's bedroom. To my surprise the room is mostly unmarred, even that stupid clear glass is back, the only evidence of the Grimm being there are the claw marks around the frame a newly placed door. I walk over to Yang's bed, before jumping onto it, letting her slip off my back, and onto the bed. Just as I'm about to jump off the bed I feel yang hug me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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