Chapter Eleven - Request for Summer

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It's been several moon cycles since Ozpin returned me to Ruby, and her family. Things have been peaceful, for lack of a better term. I have not have to fight for my life. Well except for the occasional Grimm, and yang. To my near immediate regret I agreed to help Yang out when she trains, and all I'll say is it hurt...

a lot.

Even as a child she has got to be one of the strongest things I have ever fought. Not as strong strong as The Beast, but a close second. However the beowolves that come around are no problem at all. If anything they seem to be afraid of me. If they happen to wander near the house, all I have to do is let out a low growl, and they run off with their tails between their legs. Ruby thinks that it's because I'm different from them, but I do not know. What I do know is that this dose not seem to be the case with the other type of Grimm on the island. The big bear Grimm, that Summer called an ursa. They seem to hesitate for a moment but almost always attack. However they are easy enough to take down.

Aside from those moments, my life has been pretty uneventful. The people of the island have gotten use to seeing me around. At first they where skeptical of my existence, but after I saved a few children and their mother who were passing through the forest on their way home from a Beowolf, they seem to accept the fact that I am here to stay. A few of them even give me what they call "scriches" whenever I come around. They are quickly becoming one of my favorite things. But even with all these good things, I have a feeling that I can't shake, a feeling that something is coming, something bad. I do my best to ignore it but, it's becoming increasingly difficult. Until then I plan to just enjoy my life as much as I can.

"This is the life" Is what I think to myself as I lay on what I now know as a couch, with my head in ruby's lap as we watch the moving picture box. She happily snacks on a cookie while scratching, my neck, and between my ears. Yang, and Summer are out of the house right now, and Tai is taking a nap so it is just me, and ruby. I like these moments with just me, and ruby. However it is interrupted, as a knock is heard at the door. Ruby gets up, running to the door. I jump up, and run after her. She opens the door, revealing the one person who I don't exactly like, Ruby's uncle Qrow.

Ruby: Hey uncle Qrow.

He leans down, ruffling Ruby's hair, which makes her laugh.

Qrow: Hey Ruby. *looks to me* Fenrir.

I huff in annoyance, and turn to walk back to the couch. I jump back up on the couch, laying my head down, while keeping my eyes trained on Qrow. He chuckles nervously, and looks back to ruby.

Qrow: Still doesn't like me huh?

Ruby shrugs her shoulders.

Ruby: Well you did kind of kick him across our yard.

I give a huff in acknowledgment, as Qrow chuckles.

Qrow: I suppose I did, didn't I?

Ruby then looks up at him with a curious look on her face.

Ruby: So what are you doing here?

Qrow looks over to me, with a unsure look on his face, and confusing emotions. This gains my attention, so I flick an ear in his direction to hear him better.

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