Chapter Twelve: Nondescript winter holiday special.

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Ruby: Come on Fenrir get up get up get up, It's snowing!

I crack open to see what the commotion is about, and see Ruby standing at one of the houses windows, jumping up and down. I stretch, leap off the couch, and walk up next to her. I follow her gaze out the window, and take a step back surprised. I shake my head, before looking back out the window. The ground is covered in a white fluffy looking substance I tilt my head to the side confused. My ear twitches as I hear footsteps descending the stairs. I turn toward them just as a yellow haired mass runs up and pushes me to the side. Now on the floor I shake my head stunned, and see Yang next to Ruby. 

Yang: You know what this means?

Ruby nods rapidly looking over to Yang.


The two jump up, running past me to a closet near the door. However before they can open the door, they are scoop up into a hug from the side by a smiling Tai.

Tai: And just where do you think you're going?

The two struggle in his embrace, trying to get Free. He chuckles, beginning to walk toward the kitchen. 

Tai: You two aren't going anywhere until you have some breakfast.

Ruby/Yang: awww

Tai chuckles again and disappears from my sight. I give what could be considered a sigh, and stand. A chuckle catches my attention, so I look over seeing Summer standing at the bottom of the stairs. She walks over to me and pats me on the head.

Summer: Come on. 

She walks off into the kitchen, as I follow closely behind. Over the course of breakfast Ruby and Yang keep speaking about different "snow" things. I tilt my head in confusion, but no one seems to notice. I shrug and just enjoy my food. Once I finish I yawn, and head back for the couch. However just as I crouch to jump In yelp as a arm wraps around my neck and pulls me toward the door.

Yang: Oh no you don't, you're coming outside with us. 

I roll my eyes and begin walking with her, and out the door. As we step outside Ruby and Yang bolt into the yard and begin to scoop up the snow. I lower my head sniffing the white substance. "Hmmm smells like water but different" I give the snow a curious lick, wincing at the cold on my tongue. However before I can form a thought something cold white and round smacks into my face. I jump back, crouch low to the ground, and snarl while looking around for what that was that hit me. But all I see is Ruby looking at me scared. I relax when I see she's looking directly at me. I hesitate for a moment before stepping on to the cold snow, walking over to Ruby. She reaches over to me and hugs my neck.

Ruby: I'm sorry.

Getting an Idea for this snow I smirk a bit to myself, turn my tale into it's spiked form, scoop up a bunch of snow, and dunk it all on her. Ruby is buried under the snow, and pokes her head out of the pile a look of shock that quickly turns to a smirk.

Ruby: I suppose you realize this means war?

A feeling of dread overtakes me. A barage of snowballs fly at me. I duck and roll to the side missing most of them but still getting hit by a few of them. I stand from my roll to see Ruby standing next to Yang each holding a snowball in each hand. Yang steps forward smirking.

Yang: Be warned foul beast you face the wrath of Ruby and Yang, the greatest huntresses to ever exist.

I grow into my larger form, but don't grow my spikes, and paw at the ground as if to say "bring it on"

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