Chapter seven - Unexpected events

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I stare wide eyed in shock at what was the Beast of Gévaudan, as it cries. The large man with black hair, who assume to be Ghira looks to the man with the red hair, and the woman with cat ears.

Ghira: Adam, Sienna the Grimm will be attracted to this, make sure that they stay away from him.

The two nod, and walk off in different directions. While the boy with White hair kneels down next to the Beast, wrapping his arm around it. That's when through the crying I hear a young voice I hadn't heard yet speak.

???2: I'm so sorry *hic* I couldn't control it.

My eyes widen even more as I realize where the voice is coming from. "The Beast of Gévaudan is a child!?" The white haired boy holds the other closer, and speaks in a calm reassuring tone.

???: Don't worry, it's over now. It can't hurt you or anyone else again.

As he continues to comfort the child the man, and woman return. The one known as Adam looks over to me, and begins to walk towards me. He raises his sword ready to strike me when the boy yells at him.

???: ADAM NO!

I feel his aggravation as he turns to the boy.

Adam: Why not, it's a Grimm?

The boy motions the big guy to take his spot comforting the boy, and walks over to us. He looks down at me, his visible blue eye seeming to stare into my very being.

???: He's different, I can feel a consciousness in him. A soul.

The eyes of the one known as Sienna widen, and Ghira looks back at us shocked.

Adam: That's impossible, the Grimm have no soul.

???: Yet this one does. I guess that explains why he helped this guy.

A look of realization comes over his face, and I feel his anxiety skyrocket. He runs over to ironwood. As he gets close he stops dead in his tracks, before calling out to the others.

???: We need to get whoever this is out of here NOW!

Ghira hands the child over to Sienna, who covers their eyes from looking at ironwood. Ghira runs over to Ironwood, and gasps. He mediately picks up Ironwood's unconscious body, then looks over to me.

Ghira: What about the Grimm?

???: we'll take him with us.

Adam scoffs, clearly not happy about me coming along, and he begins to walk off.

Adam: You want to bring him, you carry him.

The boy scoffs but then comes over to me, looking to my leg then to my eyes.

???: I'm going to carry you, it's going to hurt but I want you to try and remain as calm as possible ok?

I nod, and he nods back. 

???: Ok let's do this.

I decide to shrink down to the size of a regular wolf and retract my spikes, as to not injure him. Luckily changing my size hasn't caused me any pain. The boy chuckles a bit.

???: Well that makes this easier.

He gently picks me up, placing me on his shoulders. I whimper slightly as my leg is jostled around.

???: Sorry.

A flutter of wings is heard, and he looks up into the trees smiling slightly. He looks to the others.

???: I'll catch up in a second.

They look back to him, worried looks on their faces, but nod, and continue through the forest. Another flutter of wings is heard, and the boy turns around.

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