Chapter fourteen - Family reunion.

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Pov: Fenrir

I am woken up by a feeling of intense fear, dread, sadness, and a lot of other negative emotions. I open my eyes, seeing that Summer is no longer in the tent. I hear her talking to someone outside, so I get up, walking out of the tent. Summer is talking to a familiar looking woman with black hair, and red eyes. 

Summer: What do you mean it took Ruby!

That instantly grabs my attention, and I growl low in my throat. The woman with black hair glances at me, then back to summer.

Black hair: Exactly what I said. A group of large beewolves attacked your home, and an alpha Beowulf grabbed her, and ran off before I could kill it. 

I grow angry at the thought of Ruby being hurt, but my anger is nothing compared to summer. Sumer is not just angry she's enraged. Her eyes glow brightly for a brief instant, as she grabs the other woman by her shirt, pulling her so that their faces are inches apart.

Summer: Then why are you here instead of finding my daughter?

I sense a spark of fear from the other woman, but she hides it behind a stoic expression.  

Raven: Because I don't see the need to-


Sumer the woman who never raised her voice, and who never hurt anything but the Grimm just slapped the woman. I am surprised by this, but the other woman is by far more shocked. However our surprise/shock is swiped away, being replaced with fear at the look of pure rage on Summer's face.

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Summer(yelling): Listen here you Stubborn, cynical, patronizing, self absorbed, cowardly, bird brain, if my daughter dies because of you, I will hunt you down, and make sure you suffer. 

The other woman nods her head franticly, and swipes a crimson blade through the air, making a glowing red and black shape open a few feet from them. Summer still looking furious, looks over to me.

Summer(sternly): Fenrir come.

I comply, both out of fear of her, and the want to hunt down whatever took Ruby. I follow Summer as she drags the other woman through the swirling mass of black, and red. To my surprise once we step through we're back at home, about halfway between the house, and the main road. I instantly notice most of the windows are broken, and the smell of fear and blood fills the air. I also notice two or three vehicles with red, and blue flashing lights outside the home. Sumer notices them too, and starts to run towards them. She suddenly stops, looking back to me, then to the woman who she glares at again.

Summer: Raven, you're staying. This is not up for debate. *looks to me* Fenrir make sure she doesn't run off.

I let out a huff of annoyance, wanting to get to hunting down Ruby as soon as possible, but nod my head. As Summer runs off I change into my larger form, just in case. It's a good thing I did, because just as Summer is out of sight the woman known as Raven, begins to walk away. "Oh no you don't." I stop her by wrapping my tail around her leg, tripping her, and making her fall face first to the ground. She rolls around to face me, and when she dose I pounce using my paws to hold one of her arms down, while wrapping my tail around her other, a trick summer, and I came up with to subdue bad guys. Raven thrashes for a moment, then glares up at me.

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