Chapter Ten- A Trip into town

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Yang: come on Fenrir, we need to go.

My ear flicks in annoyance as I grumble to myself, not wanting to wake up. I lift my paws, and cover my ears to stop the noise. However I let out a startled yelp as my hind leg is pulled to the side, making me fall off what I now know as a couch to the floor. I open my eyes, looking back to Yang with an unamused glare. She chuckles sheepishly before stroking my neck.

Yang: Sorry Fen, but we need to get going.

In the time I have been here I have not left the premises of the house. mostly do to the fact that I am a Grimm, and I am worried that if people see me then I might have to leave, and I don't want that. However even with my constant protests everyone has been trying to convince me into going to town with them. Everyone has failed...

until Ruby asked me to go.

Next thing I know, I'm being pulled of the couch by little miss touch my hair and your dead, to go into town. I stand up yawning, and shake myself fully awake before making my way towards the room known as a kitchen, where everyone else is enjoying their breakfast. I make my way over to the table, and sit on the floor between Ruby, and Summer. I feel a hand pat my head, and hear Summer chuckle a bit.

Summer: Good morning sleepyhead. You ready to go?

I let out a slight whimper as if to say "No not really". To which summer chuckles, before scratching me behind the ear.

Summer: I know, but you can't expect to stay here all the time.

I huff, close my eyes, and lay my head down on the floor, earning a laugh from Tai.

Tai: Hey if I had good food like this, and didn't have to go anywhere I wouldn't leave either. Speaking of which.

The smell of food fills my nose, and I open my eyes to see my favorite food right in front of me.

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My ears perk up upon seeing the bacon and to a lesser extent the eggs, and my mouth waters. The food doesn't really do anything to fill me up, but I enjoy the flavor of it, as well as the sensation of chewing into it. I grab a piece of the bacon, flip it into the air before snapping my jaws closed around it, chewing and swallowing. Everyone laughs a bit at my antics, and go back to eating.

After everyone finishes eating Tai takes the plates over to the sink while Yang helps Ruby get her shoes on, and summer grabs a long stick like object, with a blade on the end, slinging it over her shoulder, and putting on a long white hood.

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