Chapter Sixteen - The Dawn Of Power

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POV: Third

Summer stares at the motionless body of her daughter Ruby, as blood pores out of the bight on her arm. Summer glares up at the man who bit her, and who just threw her daughter across the clearing. The mans unnatural smile falters, as he looks at Ruby, and he grimaces.

???: That was not meant to happen. *shrugs* No matter, so long as she's still breathing the queen will be satisfied. 

Summer snarls up at the man, and kicks him in the fork of his legs. With a exclamation of pain the man stagers back, allowing summer to stand up. As soon as she's up she bolts to Ruby. She kneels down, scooping Ruby into her arms. To summer's relief she only has a bump and some cuts. Summer lets out a sigh of relief, until a growl of anger draws her attention back to the now extremely angry Faunus. She looks up seeing him approaching them, extending his claws. Summer lays Ruby on the ground behind her, and since she doesn't have her weapon she raises her fists to fight. The man's unnaturally wide smile returns.

???: I'll admit your tenacity is admirable, but you and I both know you can't fight me without your weapon.

He stops, his claws retracting into his sleeves.

???: So I would like to propose a deal.

Sumer keeps her fist raised as the man continues.

???: You, and your mutt will come with me without any further resistance, and your daughter will be allowed to return home... 

He glances down at Ruby.

???: I would say unharmed, but *shrugs* you won't get a better deal than that my dear. 

Summer glances between the man, and her daughter, before slowly lowering her fists. The man smiles, and holds out his hand.

???: So, do we have a deal?

A faint green glow emanates from his hand, as Summer slowly reaches out her hand. However before the deal can be sealed a black mass slams into the man's side sending him flying across the clearing, and into the side of his bullhead. Summer stares dumbfounded at the man, and his massive alpha as they struggle to get to their feet. But a deep growl draws her attention back to where the alpha came from. She slowly turns her head, and sees them.

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From the darkness of the forest a pair of burning red, and orange eyes that emanate only a single thing, pure hatred. The ground itself trembles slightly as the creature steps forward. Summer stumbles back, falling next to Ruby as it steps out of the forest.

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