• Thirty Three •

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Peter directed us to where the fight was and it was already in full swing. I couldn't see much of anyone because of how many people there was. The only person that stood out amongst the rest was Scott who was about 60 feet tall. We ran towards them and I could feel a weight lifted off my chest. We had a literal war going off in front of us, but I somehow felt relieved.

I started shooting once we were close enough and in range. Peter went off and I could see him headed towards Tony. Tony was in his suit and I could see him holding the infinity gauntlet. Peter was zipping off toward him and I knew Tony was going to be thrilled he was okay. I saw Pepper in a her anniversary gift beside Wanda who was now back. I joined her at her side and she looked out of this world. I had never seen her fighting, nor in suit like this before.

I caught sight of Thanos and the anger that flushed through me was unmatched. I had no idea how he was even here if they had killed them but I had learned things rarely made sense when it came to the bad guys. I wanted redemption so badly and I was going to be damned if I didn't get it. Wanda was cleaning out the field like it was nothing. I couldn't believe I was watching her smile when seconds before the snap she was crying over Visions body.

"Long time no see." She said at my side sounding out of breath.

"Glad to have you back." I said smiling at her briefly.

"You look much different." She said and I gave her an off look. "You look less scared."

"After the shit I've seen today Wanda, nothing could phase me." I said laughing.

"Well let's get to it." She said and I smiled softly.

It felt like a wave of relief to be in the fight again. I didn't exactly want to be risking my life like this, but for what I was protecting, I wouldn't trade it for a minute. I saw Peter holding the gauntlet in the distance and running with it. I worried, but he seemed to have Carol behind him. I however, saw a large creature headed straight for us.

I looked to Bucky and we both exchanged the same look. We both knew that was a big guy and I had no idea if our bullets could even penetrate its skin. However, before it could get even close Wanda sent it flying nearly a quarter mile away. But it didn't happen in time. Pepper, was knocked and sent flying 20 feet before the creature was taken. I ran as fast as I could to her side, but she wasn't moving.

Bucky and I both ran to her and I hit the ground hard worried if she was okay. The light on her chest was flickering clearly having took a beating. I had never seen her fighting before so I wasn't used to being worried for her but she was clearly knocked flat. I flipped her helmet off and I could see her mouth was bleeding. Her eyes were closed and I shook her frantically trying to wake her up.

"Pepper!" I cried out but she wasn't responding. "Friday vital analysis."

"Life support systems critical." The suit responded and I felt my heart drop.

"We need to get her out of here." Bucky said.

"Come, through here." I heard and my head snapped around to see Strange.

Bucky swiftly picked up Pepper and her body seemed lifeless. I prayed she was just concussed and not worse. Strange opened up a portal and I recognized the medical floor at Stark Tower. Bucky carried her through and I saw Helen come into view and she instantly looked worried and confused. She had Bucky place her onto a surface and she instantly got to work.

"Stark said there was only one reality we win in." I said looking to Strange who was holding the portal open. "You're telling me this is it?"

"Yes." He said giving me a firm nod but I didn't like the hesitation in his eyes. "The only one."

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