• Thirty Nine •

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Moving wasn't exactly the easiest thing to explain or do while trying to Reacclimatize a 5 year old to a new life style. She was very confused as to why we were moving and it was hard to explain to her in the first place. It helped to tell her she would be closer to her mom and Peter, but I felt bad having to do this when she needed time to process everything. The last thing she needed was more things to deal with.

I hoped I was at least being the best replacement care giver that I could be. I knew this choice was what would be best for us as a family in the long run, but I couldn't expect her to understand that much. Peter met us at the tower and watched over Morgan here while we got everything into the apartment.

I felt weird walking through the doors of my old place. It felt like ages since I had been here. The version myself that lived here was so far away yet this was all so familiar. I set the box I was carrying down onto the kitchen counter and I just stood there looking at these walls almost remembering everything that happened almost 6 years ago now. I wasn't much help with carrying the big boxes because my wrist had been broken three nights ago by Bucky during his sleep paralysis.

"You alright?" Bucky asked carrying in a few boxes and setting them down.

"Yeah." I said in a small voice as I looked at the room rather than him.

"Val." I heard and his hand was turning me around.

"Im fine." I said softly.

While I wasn't exactly sure if I was fine I was just more so visiting an old memory. With that, came a lot of feelings that were almost overwhelming. It wasn't exactly a bad thing it was just sort of zoning me out and away from the current moment.

"You going to be alright here?" He asked me looking down.

"Yeah, will you?" I asked him wrapping my arms around him.

"Yeah, soon hopefully." He said looking into my eyes. "For the love."

He looked past me and I saw his expression changes and he looked very pissed off. I turned around and saw Peter and Morgan outside of the apartment. My heart dropping only thinking about high up we were right now. I trusted Peter, but it still made my instincts to keep her safe explode. She waved and I could here her muffled giggles through the glass.

She was smiling big from ear to ear as he hair blew in the wind outside. Peter shot a web from his hand and they went swinging off in another direction. I heard Bucky huff and I just kissed his cheek. He looked at me and I felt his hand grabbed the back of my neck and he kissed me a little harder.

"I'm sorry we have to do this." He said as he pulled back from my lips.

"We get to bring Morgan closer to her family while we figure all of this out. Maybe being here will help her, we'll manage." I said softly as my hand pet the back of his head.

"Y'all have too much crap." Sam said and we both turned around to see him coming in and setting one of our boxes down.

"Sam." I said with a smile because it was nice to see him again.

"I got word from Happy you guys were staying here now." He said standing up straight. "I thought you two had a nice set up down at the lake."

"We did, we just needed to come back." Bucky said clearly struggling to think about what to say.

"What's going on?" He asked crossing his arms.

"It's nothing really." He said shaking his head.

"It doesn't seem like nothing." Sam said not sounding convinced.

"I think you guys have some catching up to do. I'll go grab some more boxes." I said leaving Bucky and Sam alone in the apartment.

They had a weird, but close relationship. I knew neither of them were one to have deep talks, but I didn't think my presence was going to make that any easier. Bucky in general was not good with expressing his emotions with words.

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