• Fifty •

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When we landed in Latvia Zemo had woken me up. It was midday here and I definitely didn't feel as rested as I would have hope. We made our way down the beautiful streets and I couldn't ignore how gorgeous this area was. Before we could even get inside the house Bucky had announced he was going on a walk. It was odd because we hadn't been here before, nor were things horribly safe for us just yet.

As much as I wanted to, I didn't argue it. He would be fine, I'm sure he was just upset and didn't want to be around me. It wasn't the greatest feeling but I had so much else going on, it was just another reason I was upset. He walked off and Zemo continued into the loft he owned. It was an older building, but very well maintained. He opened the doors and it unlocked a beautifully decorated main area.

I'm front of us we're royal looking furniture, large mosaic windows, and marbled floors. We walked in and Zemo immediately showed me to the guest room. I was thankful to see a shower and my suitcase. I wanted to get properly cleaned up because I had been through hell.

I went to take a shower and the warm water felt amazing. It was like every muscle in my body relaxed instantly. I washed my body and I felt better right away. Despite my sporadic sleep schedule and long days this shower alone was a breath of fresh air.

I dried off and wrapped my arm up with some stuff I found. It was starting to look a little better than it had when I cleaned it on the plane. I got dressed still feeling the stiffness in my shoulder and arm. I hung up my towel and walked into the guest room and out to the main area. Zemo was making himself a drink at the bar and Sam was sat on the couch.

"Drink?" Zemo asked and I nodded.

"Please." I said exhaling and walking over to the bar.

Sam was on the couch with his eyes closed. He definitely wasn't sleeping, but he was just catching some rest while he could. I looked around and noticed Bucky wasn't back yet which worried me, but I removed that thought from my head as quick as it came. Maybe I needed my space too, just for my own reasons.

"Any preference?" He asked as I sat down on a barstool.

"Strong." Was all I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Long day?" He asked sarcastically me as he began to make a drink for me.

"That would be an understatement." I said resting my head on my fist.

"This drink was my grandmothers favorite, a tradition back in Sokovia. She would make this drink for all of us and we would sit around and sing the national anthem and other Sokovian folk songs. Needless to say, after a few of these even the biggest men would be stumbling home through the village." He said and I noticed that he was smiling as he spoke. Clearly it was a fond memory of his. "From one Sokovian to another."

He held out the drink to me and I took it. I guess I never thought about it, but we had both been from Sokovia. The number of Sokovians was small enough back in the day, but after the mess it had been through before it's own destruction the number of living survivors was quite small. Clearly Sokovia was a hotspot for god's worst creations, Wanda too had been from Sokovia. Not that she was a bad person, but she was dangerous, much like the rest of us.

I clinked my drink with his and we both took a sip. It was a dark, but warm tasting drink. It reminded me of all my favorite holiday spices and flavors. I was about to compliment his bartending skills, but the doors opened and Bucky came in.

"Well, the Wakandans are here. They want Zemo." Bucky said walking in and ripping off his jacket and throwing it on the back of the couch. "I just bought us some more time."

Sam sat up right on the couch obviously waking at the sound of him coming in. I turned to Zemo and he didn't exactly look surprised, but I guess rather tense compared to how he was a moment ago.

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