• Fifty Four •

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"How did he get his hands on that serum?" I asked Sam and Bucky as we sat back at the coffee shop from earlier today.

"I mean he was standing over 11 crushed vials who's to say he didn't grab one for himself before we got there?" Bucky said rubbing his bruised forehead. "I don't want to believe it, but we all know he wasn't like that before."

"He's absolutely insane taking that serum." Sam said holding his head in his hands. "He should have never had his hands on it in the first place."

"Walkers going to be a dead man when they take him back to the states." I said with a sigh. "After what he did he's done."

"He's had a clean record up until-"

"A white American man just killed a native in broad daylight in a foreign country seemingly unprovoked. Do you really think that headline is going to fly?" I asked Sam because there was no way the government could hide this one.

"It has a ring to it." Bucky said sarcastically and everyone sat quiet for a moment.

"At least we have the shield." Sam said shaking his head. It was at his side next to us at the small outdoor table we sat at.

"Yeah, but we also lost Zemo. Once the government finds out we broke him out and lost him they'll be on us next." Bucky said and I eyed him but kept quiet.

"Karli has gone ghost so we are stuck at an impasse." Sam added. "Everything we had going for us just fell off entirely."

"What's left to do?" Bucky asked looking to Sam and I.

"I think it's time we go home. Check on our families, after what Karli, did my sister's freaking out. We can pick this back up after we recoup." Sam said and we all just nodded in compliance. "I'm going to get another coffee, I'll be back."

Sam got up looking really stiff and frankly upset. He refused to look at the shield and I think he just had too much going through his mind. He went back inside and I saw him walk up to the older lady from earlier. She didn't even seemed phased by his suit and injuries as she took his order. I looked to Bucky who was about halfway through his cup already yet still looked ready to pass out.

"I'm sorry I lost him, sneaking him out of prison was my idea in the first place." Bucky said shaking his head. "We're going to be in trouble."

"We could go find him." I said looking at him with tired eyes.

"He vanished Val, he could be anywhere in the world by the time we catch up to him." Bucky said shaking his head.

"I may have an idea." I said bashfully and he looked to me with confusion.

"Morgan hasn't seen us in a week." He said flatly and I exhaled. I had been avoiding this conversation with him for days knowing it was a sensitive topic for the both of us.

No one spoke for a long moment. Only the cars that drive by and the wind that whipped down the streets made noise. Latvia was a gorgeous place, but since I had been here I had seen nothing but blood. It was calm and peaceful when we weren't trying to stop a war. The coffee I sipped on slowly woke me back up from my beaten state, but it wasn't quite enough.

"I miss her." I said weakly looking at my lap.

"I do too." He said and I bit the inside of my lip as he watched me carefully. "If she was here she would tell us to go get the bad guys."

"What are you saying?" I asked him smiling at the thought of her telling us to 'kick ass'.

"I don't know what to do." He said flatly.

"It's just an idea, who knows if I'll even be right. We should probably just go home." I said shaking my head.

"Do you really want to go home?" He asked me and I looked up to him.

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