• Fifty Three •

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Karli and I had run towards where I was picking up the boys signals. I was hopeful that with Karli and I at least on the same page that we could stop this before anything else could happen. I couldn't get ahold of any of the boys to get an idea of what was going on so I was worried the worst had already happened.

I ran into the warehouse and I could hear the fighting long before I saw it. Karli was right behind me as we came into a room full of people fighting each other like wild animals. Karli seemed caught off guard to see it all happening and I looked at her because she had to call off her men. If she wanted to starting working together she had to stop them. John and Lamar weren't going to listen to me if I told him to stop.

"Karli you have to stop them." I said looking to he because they weren't going to stop.

She stood there not saying a word just glossed over. She was freezing. She was completely freezing and from the looks of the fight things weren't going well. No one looked like they were winning and they were all caught in a nasty battle.

"Karli, please." I said lowly.

We heard the loud groan from one of her men. Lamar had let out a mean hit on to one of her followers clean across the face. She was breathing heavily and I could see her indecision. I shook my head knowing she was going to crack under pressure and this was her last shot.

"I can't." She said looking me right in the eyes and she ran forward to protect one of her men.

I rush forward and knew I needed to step in. Karli wasn't going to stop this the right way so we needed to end this our way. I grabbed the man who had been going for Bucky and he looked surprised to see me. They didn't know I was back yet but clearly they were about to.

"No luck?" He asked as we tried to handle the others.

"She's scared, she was on our side, but she's scared." I said throwing off one of her men.

"You can't reason with her." He said punching a man.

"I don't know." I said elbowing the man who grabbed me from behind.

I caught Karli running out of the corner of my eye and I turned to see her kicking Lamar straight into a pillar in the middle of the room. I heard the sounds of cracking bones before he even hit the solid surface. Everyone, even her men stood frozen because no one was expecting that. Everyone was throwing punches and kicks, but most of us were super soldiers. Most of us could take a hit like that, Lamar couldn't.

Lamar laid their against the pillar not moving and I felt Bucky's hand on my back. I watched as Karli backed up and away from the situation. John was being held by two of her men and they slowly let him go. He ran to Lamar's side and I saw him shake him desperately. He however, was limp.

My head turned to Karli and she look horrified at what she just did. She looked to her men and they started to retreat. They looked scared of what just happened. John looked completely shell shocked as he looked down at his best friend. I couldn't imagine what was going through his head.

The entire group of Flag Smashers fled the room, Karli included. Bucky pulled on my arm because we needed to catch them. They just killed one of us, whether I agreed with them or not they killed someone. I ran out after the people who tried to flee and they were already walking out into the streets below.

I chased a man into the courtyard where most people seemed to be shopping. There was too many people around here and we couldn't make a scene. A window crashed from inside the building and I flipped around to see John landing on a bus. He went after the man I was chasing and I knew he was beyond pissed. I went to go grab both of them and Bucky held me back, Sam now coming to my side.

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