Chapter 1

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I was walking down the dark street of New York. It was cold and the rain poured down my face. My hair was flowing down my shoulders all wet.

It was night and there was hardly anybody on the street. The lamppost lights brighten the street up a bit but from afar is just pure darkness.

I have no idea who my parents were , I grew up in an orphanage just outside New York. It wasn't a nice place there and they were strict, very strict.

The weirdest thing is that I can't explain is that I always feel like someone is there, watching me, listening to my conversations. The girls in the orphanage thought I was crazy and avoided me.

There was one girl with brown locks and caramel eyes who thought I wasn't crazy. Her name was Ellen, she was a very kind girl, she always made sure I stayed out of trouble and was always by my side facing the bullies comments.

I was adopted 2 weeks before she was, surprisingly we met at school at the age of 10. Our friendship still lasts.

I reached the front door of my house and unlocked it. Every time I turned my back to the street, I feel like someone was standing there watching my every move.

I finally opened the door to my house and I stepped in quickly, slamming the door behind me. My house is modern and basic really. I walked down the hallway and towards the kitchen.

I placed my things on the table and decided to make a brew. I boiled the kettle and got out a mug.

All the lights were of upstairs and I was home alone, I heard faint voices coming from everywhere which began to freak me out.

I am quite used to the voices because that's another reason why the girls at my orphanage thought I was crazy. I have had these voices since I was born and it always sounds like a women, around the age of 18.

I couldn't really tell what she was saying but that is part of the feeling of me being watched. Sometimes I think of it as my birth mother watching over me but sometimes I get this feeling that it isn't since she only sounds 18, it just makes me feel safer and comforts me a bit to think that.

I blasted the music on the radio so I didn't concentrate on the voices, that's the only way I can block them out. I made my brew and placed it on a mat on the coffee table.

I threw myself on the couch and stopped the music. I turned on the TV trying to ignore the faint whispers.
Suddenly, I began to get a banging headache that just suddenly appeared.

Again, headaches are the type of things I get a lot. I think it's the women. It freaks me out sometimes but I get used to it. I have never seen her before, she sometimes tries to speak to me but I try to ignore because it looks like I'm talking to myself. Making me look crazy.

I held my head in my hands in pain until I reached the bathroom. I switched the light on and splashed my face with water. I let breathed in and out trying to ignore the pain.

This has been happening since I was younger but it's never been this painful. As I looked up at my reflection, my reflection was different.

My reflection was stood straight and had a smirk on her face. Her eyes were not like my eyes anymore they were full black. It tilted her head and chuckled evilly.

Is that her? The women who has been haunting me since I was a baby.

I started to panic and began to walk backwards. I hit my head on the shower. The lights in the bathroom turned off and it was now pitch black.

The lights turned back on after seconds,
I looked at her and she was gone, my reflection went back to the look of me and I thought I was actually going crazy.

Suddenly a dark voice whispered, it was definitely a female,
" You're not going crazy, Y/n. ,"

The women looked just like me but evil, there was a bit of differences by the way her hair is styled. Mine is wavy hers is straight. Everything about us is the same, except our eyes and personality.

I rushed to my phone in the living room to call Ellen.
The voice kept going,
" I'm not going to hurt you Y/n * giggles * if you free me then I will think about not hurting you,"

What is she talking about? I called Ellen whilst breathing heavily of fear.

" Y/n is everything alright?,"
" I need help, I need you to come over NOW!,"
" Alright.. calm down.. I'm on my way,"

I declined the call and sat on the couch covering my ears trying to block the voices.


Hi! This is my seconds story and I have been really excited to do this story! I hope you enjoy this story.

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