Chapter 8

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up in an old cell that was cold. The bars of the cell was long and dirty. That old that little pieces of material was peeling off. The floor was dusty and was very cold.

In front of the cell, was a staircase that went up to somewhere unknown. It kind of reminded me of medieval times just less violent and scary.

Suddenly, I heard a chuckle that was getting closer and closer. I saw Void coming down the stairs with his arms behind his back.

I rolled my eyes,
" Why can't you just leave me alone?,"

He replied,
" Because we could be a powerful team. We can defeat the pack and anybody who tries to get in our way. I like you Y/n and there's nothing I can do about it,"

Does he like me as a siren? Or does he like me as in like a crush or a girlfriend. I didn't like what he was saying but deep down I liked it. I mean you have to admit he is cute and attractive.

I blurted out,
" Well I don't want to be a part of your team and I don't like you!,"

Void opened the cage door and locked it behind him. He kept stepping closer and closer. What is he doing?! I kept stepping back until I hit the wall.

He smirked,
" I know you like me too, just accept it,"

Was he right? He has hurt me quite a few times and now I'm catching feelings for him. What is wrong with me?!

He continued,
" Let Marilyn come out, she will control your darkness and she can help you cause chaos, strife and pain,"

Suddenly, his lips met mine as he pinned my arms against the wall so I couldn't do anything about it. His kiss was rough and passionate at the same time. I tried to fight him but he was to strong.

I felt this power inside of me that I couldn't control. It was like another person was overwhelming me, wait, Marilyn.

Then that's when I gave up fighting, I let Marilyn take over me. My eyes turned full black and I kissed Void back.

Marilyn's POV:

I felt Y/n giving up her strength to fight and that's when I knew I was free. When o felt her defenceless I overwhelmed her with darkness making me in control.

I saw Void kissing me and I kissed him back. I miss the soft touch of his lips and his muscles. I wrapped my arms around Void's neck increasing the kiss.

He pulled away after a few minutes and smirked,
" Welcome back Marilyn, nice to see you again,"

" It's good to be back,"

Void's POV:

As I kissed Y/n a part of me actually enjoyed it. It wasn't because of Marilyn or because she was powerful it was because I have caught feelings for her.

As I felt the darkness coming I felt bad that y/n is going to be trapped. Y/n will only be gone until I say so, and Marilyn of course.

I pulled away and smirked,
" Time to trick the pack. The pack will think your Y/n,"

Marilyn's closed her eyes and when she opened them her eyes were normal. Her eyes looked exactly like Y/n's which made me miss her a little bit, even if she didn't like me.

A few hours later, we got ready and Marilyn dressed into Y/n's clothes. She wore a denim skirt that was tight, with thin black tights and a white t shirt with a long sleeved, pink hoodie.

She looked exactly like Y/n, I couldn't even see a difference between them. Marilyn set off to trick the pack and find out what they're planning.

Marilyn's POV:

Ugh, I hate this pack already. I hate everything about them. I had to smile a lot look and act like Y/n. Luckily, I had enough power to see what Y/n could see.

She lived in the same house as that sarcastic weirdo, Stiles Stilinski. Who would want to be in the same roof as him?

I walked into the school looking and acting like Y/n. Here we go, this will be fun, not.

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