Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up on the sofa to see Stiles asleep on the floor. He was dribbling which caused me to giggle. I got up and shook him awake, he shot up with a bit of popcorn on his cheek from last nights snack. I wiped it off his cheek with my thumb. He looked up at me a bit annoyed,
" You just had to wake me up didn't you?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and chuckled sarcastically,
" Morning to you too,"

He giggled quietly before getting up. I looked over towards the coffee table to see the capsule of Void's spirit. I grabbed it protectively, even though nobody except me and Stiles is around you can't be so sure the pack might walk in and see it. I brought it close to my chest thinking about all the possibilities I and Void could have in the future.

Stiles noticed and put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I looked at him trying to fight my happy tears, he stared into my eyes confidently,
" We will get Void back, I promise,"

I  nodded as he kissed me on the forehead, I got up and looked at Stiles determined,
" Let's go and get Void back,"

I felt more hope settling in, I can finally get Void back. The feeling of loneliness will disappear and I will feel loved and safe again. I couldn't wait to feel like that again. I ran upstairs and got dressed into a long-sleeved black top and some black leggings. I brushed my hair and teeth and sprinted downstairs ready as I'll ever be.

Stiles was stood at the front door smiling all ready to go and save Void. I nodded as we walked to his jeep, still gripping tight on the capsule. Stiles started the jeep but didn't set off, he looked at me,
" Think about a place where you felt connected to Void more than ever, his energy will be stronger there,"

I thought hard for a second. I couldn't think of any because Marilyn was always there, I always thought there was still something going on between them. That's until the answer clicked,
" Void's house, when I got injured he took me to his place, and that's when we admitted our feelings for each other,"

Stiles nodded and drove off. An hour later, we arrived at Void's house which made my heart sink, all the memories of us here rushed through my brain. I miss him so much. We got out of the car and headed to Void's bedroom where we had our first kiss.

We both walked into the room and placed the capsule on the floor. Please work, if this doesn't work I'll be devastated.

Scott's POV:

I was sat on my bed in my room just chilling. Stiles has been gone for a few days with Y/n but I decided not to bother because I want their relationship to go back to the way it was since It was my fault they broke apart in the first place. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I grabbed it and looked to see it was Kira.

" Hi Kira, why'd you call?"

She replied,
" Did Deaton find anything about the nogitsune yet?"

What is she talking about?

I commented confusingly,
" Kira, what are you on about?"

" Yesterday, Stiles came saying you wanted the firefly so Deaton can investigate it, so I gave it to him,"

Oh no, I know what exactly Stiles is doing. How could I be so stupid? They were going to bring Void back, Stiles wouldn't leave Y/n heartbroken like that.

" I didn't tell Stiles to collect it, meet me at Deaton's now, get the pack. We have a serious problem on our hands,"

I declined the call leaving me shocked. I grabbed my jacket and went over to Deaton's on my motorbike. I arrived at the animal clinic to see the epck gathering around with Deaton.
"Stiles and Y/n are trying to resurrect the nogitsune,"

The pack looked down in worry, Deaton broke the silence,
" My book has been missing for 2 days now, and the last one to be here was Stiles, he stole it,"

The pack didn't look very happy, so I try to stay confident so the pack does,
" Well let's go and find him, We will follow his scent,"

I miss Stiles's sarcasm.

Y/n's POV:

I began to sing a song that reminds me of my and Void's relationship,
' Void you saved me
I've been feeling so alone,
I keep waiting for you but you never come,
Is this in my head?
I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
marry me Juliet you never have to be alone,
I love you all I know,
I talked to your dad
go pick out a white dress,
It's a love story, baby just say yes,

A tear dropped down my cheek hoping Void will be back. I looked up to see he wasn't there, I began to cry hard into Stiles's shoulder.
I cried,
" I failed Void, Stiles. I miss him so much,"

A voice that sounded similar said,
" Did you fail me?"

I looked up to see It wasn't Stiles, It was Void! I hugged him tighter than ever as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I have missed his touch so much. We never broke apart until about 3 minutes. I finally pulled away with tears in my eyes. He wiped them away with his thumb like he always does.

He smiled,
" I knew you would bring me back,"

He looked at Stiles who was watching the moment. He was about to attack him but I stopped him.
" He helped me get you back, He isn't the enemy,"

Void looked deep into my eyes to find the truth,
" Thank you, for saving me and Y/n Stiles,"

Stiles was shocked by the nogitsune apologising to him. He nervously smiled and left. When he walked out of the house, I and Void didn't let go of each other. I've missed him too much.

4 years later

I was cooking breakfast when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I smiled and turned around, I knew It was Void. I wrapped my hands around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. Suddenly, I heard running down the stairs. Our house looked a lot better now, we lived in the woods after we redecorated it when I resurrected Void.

A little girl yelled,
" Hi, mommy! Hi, Daddy!,"

My eyes shot to the little girl, she ran up to me and picked my daughter up,
" Hi Allison, Where's your brother Aidan?"

This is my 4-year-old daughter, Allison. I named her after Allison Argent who Void killed when he was evil. I didn't like him killing people but he stopped because I didn't like it. I only want him to kill people who hurt him and my children. Allison, my daughter, looks like a young version of me.

And this is my 3-year-old son, Aiden. I named him after another victim of Void's crime. He was a twin and was very close to the McCall Pack. The pack have forgiven us and let Void live, thankfully they let us live our lives. Aiden looks like a young version of Void.

I felt little arms wrap around my leg,
" Hi, mommy!"

Void picked him up, I smiled,
" Breakfast is nearly ready, by the way, Uncle Stiles is coming over soon,"

Both of their eyes lit up in excitement,
" YAY!! ,"

I and Void chuckled as we set the table. I and Void lived happily ever after.


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