Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up strapped to a chair in a dark room. It looked more like a basement because it was dark and cold. I couldn't even move my hands or legs.

I tried to free my grip but I couldn't. Suddenly, I heard a chuckle in the shadows. I looked I've to where it came from and saw Void. He emerged from the shadows and walked up to me.

He asked,
" What are you doing here Marilyn? I thought you died?"

Wait, Marilyn died? She never told me that before.
" I -I'm not Marilyn, please just let me go,"

Void chuckled,
" I'm not that stupid Marilyn, I'm not falling for any of your tricks. Tell me why you're here or I'll do it the hard way,"

The hard way?! His voice gave me goosebumps and I knew he wasn't lying. I began to tremble a bit and sob of fear.
" I'm telling the truth please just let me go,"

Void sighed,
" The hard way it is then,"

Void got a pocket knife and cut a massive cut all down my arm. I screamed in pain as my blood created a puddle on the floor.

Void smirked,
" Either tell me why you're here or bleed to death, your choice,"

I couldn't say anything because the pain in my arm is distracting me. Void sighed and did the same on my other arm causing me to scream more. Another large pool of blood emerged on the other side.

I began to feel dizzy because of losing to much blood. What am I going to do? I'm to weak to fight.
Suddenly, Marilyn appeared,

" Y/n fight this, if you die, I die. You are more powerful than you think. I guided you to Beacon Hills for a reason, now FIGHT IT!!,"

Marilyn's Voice echoed through my brain causing me to lift my head up. I felt power like I've never felt before. I started to sing and Void was caught in the trance.

Void let me go, his eyes weren't blinking and he had a straight face. I looked at Marilyn and of course she is smirking. I stopped singing and knocked Void out.

I grabbed my phone and began to call Stiles, he picked up.

" Stiles is that you? I need help!,"
" Y/N??!!! Omg I'm so glad you're okay. Where are you?,"
" Umm in some basement I don't know, wait... I'm in Eichen House basement,"
" Okay, we're on our way,"

End call.

A few minutes later, the basement door opened and I hoped it was Stiles and the pack, If not I'm busted

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A few minutes later, the basement door opened and I hoped it was Stiles and the pack, If not I'm busted. Luckily, it was Stiles and he ran up to me and hugged me.

" Y/N!! are you okay? Omg.. what did he do to you?!,"

Stiles ripped some of his shirt and tied them around my wounds to stop the bleeding. I was still a bit weak so Stiles helped me walk. Scott looked at Void on the floor and took him with us.

We arrived at Scott's house, I was sat next to void's unconscious body as Melissa, Scott's mum/mom, cleans my wounds. She wrapped them in bandages and I smiled at her,
" Thank you,"

Melissa smiled back and walked away. I couldn't stop thinking about how I put Void in a trance like that. I'm not supernatural though, am I?


Sorry it's short, I'm really busy I'll try and post the next chapter!

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