Chapter 2

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I was sat on my couch still blocking my ears until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and moved away until I saw Ellen. She wore an oversized hoodie and some black leggings.

" Are you okay?"
Ellen asked worriedly clearly noticing I was scared.

I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.
" I'm so glad you're here, "

I pulled away and led back on the sofa, I grabbed a blanket and went under it scared. Ellen pulled the blanket off me,
" Tell me what happened,"

I looked at Ellen with puffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. I sniffled trying to wash all my anxiety away,

" I just saw the women who has been haunting me since I was a baby. Do you know the voices I've been hearing? That's her and she spoke to me. She was talking about her wanting to be free,"

I looked at Ellen and I could tell she thought I was crazy. She was shocked and looked away.
I sighed,
" I know you think I'm crazy,"

Ellen looked at me with sorrow in her eyes,
" No... Y/n. I believe you, I want to help you. I know what can help... the Internet,"

I giggled and grabbed my laptop from under the coffee table. I searched for at least 10 minutes trying to find anything useful until the silence was broken by Ellen.

" I found something! The internet says ' Spirits and demons try to contact you in many ways, the most common way is dreams.,"

I looked at Ellen confused,
" All I have to do is sleep?"

Ellen nodded and checked the time.
" It's getting late I should go,"

Ellen got up but I stopped her without hesitation by grabbing her on the wrist.
" Don't go, I'm scared. Please can you stay the night? You can sleep on the couch,"

I gave Ellen puppy eyes and she sighed,
" Fine, "

I got up and went to my room before walking in I turned to Ellen and smiled,
" Thank you, goodnight,"

Ellen smiled back and pulled the soft blanket over her.

I got dressed into some pyjamas and snuggled in bed. I stared at the ceiling trying to process what just happened in the bathroom. I guess this woman isn't my mother after all, besides what were I going to expect, she sounded 18 and looks EXACTLY like me.

I fell asleep.

The dream

Then same voice kept repeating the same words over and over again,
" Beacon hills... Beacon Hills... Beacon Hills,"
It showed a picture of a school with a Beacon Hills sign at the front.

I then saw a massive building that looked old. It had massive black gates at the front and there was a sign that read ' Eichen House '.

There was a basement that had a symbol on the wall that looked like a backwards five. It turns out behind the wall was a dead body wrapped in bandages.

Then I saw a boy with dark brown hair and a crooked jaw, his eyes glowed bright red and his claws were showing. Why was his eyes glowing like that?

I woke up gasping for air and saw I was sweating really bad. I rushed out of bed to wake Ellen up. I shook her and she woke up, she wasn't very happy.
" What do you want Y/n?,"

" I think I know what the women is trying to tell me, she contacted me through my dream like the internet said!,"

Ellen shot up and asked,
" Well.. what did she say?!,"

" She was on about something called Beacon Hills and a place called Eichen House,"

Ellen grabbed  my laptop to search the stuff on google. A few minutes later, her face shot up.

" Beacon Hills is a town a few hours away from here,
and Eichen House is a mental asylum for patients who are crazy,"

I need to go there. This may have answers for me about my life and why this women haunts me.
I packed my things whilst Ellen was looking at me confused.

" Y/n, what are you doing?,"

" I'm going to Beacon Hills, I'm not leaving that town until I get some answers,"

" Y/n, it's 3am in the morning, get some rest and then pack,"

I looked at Ellen and sighed,
" Fine,"

I turned all the lights out and went back to bed, I fell asleep faster than I thought and didn't have another dream.


Second part done! I will be posting more because I love writing stories.

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