Chapter 16

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Y/n's POV

It's been two days since Void's death. I have been through every book at the library but I still have found nothing. His death has infected me a lot, I'm paler, I have ashes under my eyes from not sleeping. I don't think I've eaten for two days either, even though the hunger craves my stomach, I choose to ignore it.

As I was scrolling through a book in the library, I have been in here all day since there are lots of books beside me about the supernatural. I could feel the pack staring at me from behind, I choose to ignore them because Void is more important.

I got up after I finished another book, I stumbled a little bit because I'm getting weaker by the day. The pack was still staring at me, they began to annoy me but I refused to attack, not when I'm this weak.

I look through all the bookshelves to find that I've already read all of the supernatural books. Suddenly, my vision began to get blurry and my legs were giving up. I fell but someone caught me before I hit the ground, I looked up to see Stiles.
I said trying to pull away weakly,
" G-Go away S-Stiles, I-I don't need your help,"

He scoffed at my words and didn't listen,
" No Y/n, clearly you have been torturing yourself. Let me help you and then you can go back to whatever you're doing,"

I tried to fight back but I was too weak, I soon gave up and let Stiles take me. He picked me up bridal style and took me to his jeep. He opened the car door and placed me on the front seat. He began to take off his jacket and placed it on me to warm me up a bit. Why is Stiles still so nice for me?

He closed the jeep door and got on the other side ready to drive. I shivered a bit and Stiles noticed,
" You're going to be okay, I promise,"

He kissed me on the forehead and set off to his house.

Scott's POV

I and the pack was paying close attention to Y/n. Honestly, we were all worried about her she doesn't look very good and it's all my fault. Should I have killed Void?

Stiles has sat on the opposite side of me in the library, I could tell he was worried for her and he blames me for it. He doesn't talk to me at all including Kira since she stabbed Void.

I felt bad for her, I shouldn't have taken Void from her. All I was thinking about was myself and I just wanted revenge for killing Allison last year.

As Y/n got up, she stumbled a little bit because of how weak she was. I looked at Stiles and saw he had shed a tear. I placed my hand on his shoulder to comfort him but he pushed my hand away.

He looked at me in disappointment and anger,
" This is your fault, Scott,"

He got up and walked over to Y/n who was stressing. Lydia looked at me with sadness, worry, and a bit of disappointment,
" Stiles is right, you broke my best friend, well was my best friend. We shouldn't have killed Void when we knew how much he meant for Y/n,"

Lydia was right, seeing Y/n like this breaks my heart. I looked over at Y/n and noticed she was wearing a necklace that had the scent of Void on it. It must have been a gift from him. She was about to fall because of how weak her legs are but luckily Stiles caught her before she hit the ground.

He picked her up bridal style and took her to his jeep ready to take her back home. I need to make things right,

Y/n's POV

He placed me on the sofa making me relax into it, he placed a blanket over me and turned the tv on. He stroked my head and smiled,
" Your home again,"

He walked away towards the kitchen, my stomach hurts like mad, the hunger craves my stomach. A few minutes later, Stiles came with some toast and helped me sit up.
He smiled,
" You need to eat, you haven't eaten in two days,"

I began to eat the toast and finished it in 3 minutes. My stomach relaxed and my hunger faded away. Stiles got a book from his bag and gave it to me. I looked at him confused as he gave it to me.
He smirked which reminded me of Void,
" I kind of stole this from Deaton, it might have the answers to bring Void back. The pack doesn't know yet but I'm going to get killed when they find out. It also has steps on how to control your siren powers. "

My face lit up and my depression began to fade away a little bit, I finally had hope again. I hugged Stiles tight causing him to suffocate. I realised what I was doing and apologised. Time to get Void back.

Is Void coming back?
I have made a longer chapter for you guys.
Thank you for all the support!

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