Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up by Stiles waking me up, he opened the blinds allowing the sun light to blind me.
I groaned in a sleepy voice,
" 5 more minutes,"

I'm never a morning person. I always thought mornings are evil and I never felt like getting up.

Stiles smiled,
" No.. it's your first day of school today,"

I grabbed the duvet and hid under it so the e light didn't effect me. Suddenly, I felt someone grab both of my ankles and dragging me out of bed. I fell on the floor annoyed.

Stiles just laughed at me and helped me up. I gave him a death stare.
Stiles laughed, I walked away from him and jumped back onto the bed,
" You clearly aren't a morning person,"

" No, I'm not,"

" Get ready I want to show you my friends,"

Stiles walked out of the room leaving me to change. I wore some leggings and tank top.

I couldn't wait to go school. I am still nervous about the woman though, I still don't know her name.

Stiles noticed my anxiety, his hand went on top of mine and we interlocked fingers," Your going to be okay, you'll do great,"

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Stiles noticed my anxiety, his hand went on top of mine and we interlocked fingers,
" Your going to be okay, you'll do great,"

I smiled at Stiles and daydreamed out of the window still holding Stile's hand. It feels like I have known Stiles my whole life.

We arrived at school which caused me to be more anxious than usual. I could hear my heart beating through my ears. I took deep breaths and I began to calm down a little bit.

I stepped out the car and looked at the massive school, wait isn't that the school from my dream?
Omg, I've found the place were the women told me to go, what do I do now?

Stiles smiled,
" I want you to meet my friends,"

I nodded and followed him into the school. I noticed all the boys were staring at me and it freaked me out a bit. Stiles walked over to a little gang of teenagers.
" hey guys this is Y/n, Y/n these are my friends,"

A red head walked up to me and put her hand out ready to shake, I shook her hand but I got this weird feeling.
" I'm Lydia Martin,"

A boy with dark brown hair and a crooked jaw came up to me and shook my hand,
" I'm Scott McCall,"

Wait, no this can't be happening, he's from my dream too. I looked around realising I'm where the women told me to go. I looked back at my friends and saw she was behind Scott.

What do I do?! I just stared at her panting in fear. She just kept smirking with them devilish eyes.
Stiles's friends looked at me with confusion but o ignored them. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran to the bathroom.

I splashed wafter in my face and looked in the mirror. My reflection was her, I was frozen and I just kept looking at her, why does she look so much like me? Except her pure black eyes which creeped me out.
I stuttered in fear,
" W-What do y-you want? W-who are y-you?,"

She chuckled,
" I'm Marilyn, you need to set me free if you want me to leave you alone,"

" How do I set you free?,"

" I need you to -,"

Before she could finish Lydia and Malia walked into the bathroom to see if I'm okay.
Lydia asked worriedly,
" Are you okay Y/n? ,"

Y/n looked back at her reflection to see Marilyn had gone. She looked back at Lydia and forced a smile.
" Umm Yeah I'm fine just felt a bit sick,"

Lydia and Malia could tell she was lying but decided to keep it a secret.
" Ok good, we have class now,"

We walked out the bathroom, I was still thinking about Marilyn and what she wants. I was actually annoyed that we was interrupted because she was so close to telling me what to do.

We walked into class and I sat in between Stiles and Scott on a desk each. The teacher had messy hair and was crazy. Apparently, he is called Coach. I got bored so I began to draw in my notepad. I didn't know what I was drawing I just did it without thinking.

I looked up and saw the whiteboard had writing on. I looked around because I knew this was Marilyn's doing. I looked back at the board and it read,

I'll be seeing you again, he will be coming to help.
Make him sleep, make him suffer so he can feed on his pain,

What the hell is she talking about? Who's ' he ' I began to draw faster and I began to panic. I don't want to hurt anybody but a part of me wants to kill, wants to cause chaos, strife, and pain.

What is wrong with me?

After school, I hopped in Stiles's jeep and we drove home.


I am really enjoying writing this story and I'm thankful that you are reading it! It means the world to me 😁

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