Chapter 3

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I woke up and got dressed in some black jeans and a black crop top. I can't wait to go to Beacon Hills, I don't know what this feeling is but I feel connected somehow.

I finished packing my things and began to make a brew in the kitchen. Ellen was woken up by the kettle boiling.

I looked over at the couch and saw Ellen sitting up with her hair on her face. I giggled at the sight and placed the brew on the coffee table.

" Are you ready to go to Beacon Hills?"

I smiled and nodded, I got up and placed 2 medium-sized suitcases by the side of the front door ready to leave.

Ellen got up and hugged me,
" You better come and visit me Y/n otherwise I'll drag your ass back here,"

I pulled away and chuckled, I put my stuff in the back of my red jeep and waved goodbye to Ellen. Beacon Hills here I come.

1 1/2 hours later, I arrived at Beacon Hills. It was actually a nice town. On the way, I looked in my drivers mirror and saw the women again. She smirked at me which caused me to crash into a tree.

My vision went blurry and I saw someone running over to me before passing out.

I woke up in someone's house. I held my head because of a horrible headache, I felt a plaster on my head and looked at my arm. My arm was all bandaged up. I was led on a couch in the living room.

"You're awake,"
Someone said which caught my attention. I looked over to were the voice came from. A teenage boy with dark brown hair that just came to his forehead and dark brown eyes appeared.

" I'm Stiles, Stiles Stilinski,"

I looked around me in confusion,
" Where am I? What happened?,"

" You crashed your car and hit your head pretty hard. What made you crash?,"

I didn't want to tell him I saw the women who has haunted me my entire life. I don't really trust him but he seems like a nice guy. So I decided to lie.
" A deer ran across the road,"

Stiles nodded and gave me a glass of water to drink.
I smiled at him and drank it.
" Im new to Beacon Hills so I won't know who you are,"

" Really? Will you be going to the Beacon Hills high school?"

" Umm I might do, I don't know, I haven't signed in and I haven't even got a place yet,"

" You can stay here if you want, we have a spare bedroom,"

" Really? If you don't mind,"

" Not at all,"

I smiled at him and he smiled back. I tried to get up by my ankle hurt causing me to fall. Luckily, Stiles caught me before I hit the ground.
" You've got to be more careful,"

I sighed and led back on the sofa. I looked behind Stiles and saw the women again standing there. She had a smirk on her face still which creeped me out a bit. She looked at Stiles and then disappeared. What the hell was that about?

" Are you okay? you look like you've just seen a ghost"

I quickly looked back at Stiles and forced a smile,
" I'm fine, thanks,"

Stiles walked away leaving me alone in the room with the women. I didn't want to make eye contact because I still haven't gotten used to seeing her in person.
" What do you want? Who are you?,"

She smirked,
" You will soon find out, You need to set me free. "

Suddenly, our conversation was interrupted by Stiles walking in the room. He looked at me confused and looked around. He asked,
" Who were you talking too?,"

" No one,"

Stiles POV:

I walked out the room to go and get another glass of water for Y/n. I filled it up but as I was walking back I heard her talk to someone.

I thought somebody had broke into the house so I ran into the living room to see if she was okay.

I looked around and so nobody, I just thought I might of been hearing things or that she hit her head pretty hard causing her to go crazy.

Y/n's POV:

The women disappeared thankfully causing me to sigh in relief. I led back down and looked at Stiles.
" Night Stiles, I'll see you at School tomorrow,"

Stiles smiled,
" Goodnight Y/n,"

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