Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up by the sound of people screaming and the lights flickering. I tried to get up to see what's wrong but that's when I realised I was in a hospital with a massive bandage around my stomach.

The flashbacks came rushing through me of me being stupid and loosing guard.  I got up anyways and began to walk.

Suddenly, I fell but someone caught me before I hit the floor. I looked up and saw it was Void.

He smirked,
" I've found you, little siren,"

He picked me up and took me somewhere, I don't know where because I was still weak. A few minutes later, we was not in the hospital.

We was somewhere in an abandoned building, he placed me on the couch and put a blanket over me. Why is he so nice to me?

" Why are you being nice to me?,"

Void sighed,
" Because I love you okay? I have loved you since I laid my eyes on you and I know you don't feel the same way because I'm bad,"

I was shocked at what he said but I also felt sorry for him. I slowly got up without him realising and turned his chin so it faced mine. I looked at his lips and that's when I kissed him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt his arms carefully wrap around my waist. I soon pulled away and smiled,
" I love you too,"

I could tell he was happy, the moment was ruined when Marilyn yelled,

She kicked me off Void causing me to fall on the floor in pain. I still was injured in the accident. She was about to kick me again but Void stabbed her in the heart. She fell to the floor and turned into dust. She's gone.

Void helped me up and placed me back onto the couch. He kissed my forehead and smiled,
" Get some rest,"

I nodded and soon drifted off to sleep.

Stiles's POV:

After hearing the accident at the hospital I urgently knew Y/n was in trouble. I grabbed my keys to my jeep and rushed over there.

I arrived and saw the place was terrible. Lights flickering, dead bodies on the floor from the Oni, it was terrible. I ran inside trying to find Y/n's room.

I finally found it and she wasn't in. What do I do? Void probably kidnapped her and it's all my fault. I should of stayed, I should of protected her.

I quickly began to call Scott telling him to meet me at his house. I ran back to my jeep and drove to Scott's house.

What if something bad has happened to her? Void could be killing her right now and we're not doing anything about it.

I finally arrived at Scott's and opened the door in a hurry. I didn't even bother to knock since Y/n is in danger. Scott and the pack was sat on the sofa figuring out how to get Y/n back.

I can't loose her, I just can't. Ever since she appeared in my life I've felt whole again. She makes my panic attacks go away, my anxiety disappears.

A few hours later, we came up with a plan to get Y/n back. We are going to go to their location and bring her back. Hopefully, she is still alive.

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