Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up to see my wound has healed completely. How is that possible? Now that Marilyn's dead, I finally feel free.

Void walked into the room with some toast that I had no idea where it came from. I sat up as he placed it on my lap.
He smiled for the first time,
" Morning,"

That's the first time I've ever actually seen him smile, his smile is contagious so I smiled back,
" Morning, how have I healed so fast?"

He smirked,
" Your siren abilities are improving,"

I forgot I was a siren for a second there. I began to eat the toast whilst Void was getting prepared for something. As I was eating, I knew he was up to something.

I asked curiously,
" Where are you going?"

" The pack is planning on coming after you, and we both know that's not going to happen. So, that means they would want to kill me even more.,"

I couldn't stand the sight of Void dying. Why does the pack think he is so evil? I know he has a good heart deep down and I'm going to find it.

I shot up,
" NO! I'm not letting them hurt you to get to me. I'll just go back and we can have secret meetings in the woods at night. Anything other than you getting hurt or worse, killed,"

A tear began to drop down my cheek and Void noticed. He went over to me and wiped it with his thumb. Uncontrollably, I hugged him feeling safe. I knew he was shocked but he hugged back.

" Y/n, I'm not letting you go back. I don't want to lose you again and what if you get hurt?"

" I don't care if I get hurt! I'm going back for your safety please just let me?"

More tears began to fall down my cheeks. My heart sank to my stomach to think of him dying. I love him too much.

Void sighed,
" Fine, promise me you will keep meeting me in the woods every night?"

I nodded and hugged him once more. He squeezed me tight ( not too tight ). He rested his face in the crook of my neck in the hug.

I whispered in his ear,
" I love you too much,"

We both pulled away as I got up. I was about to walk out the door but I had to do something first. I ran up to Void and kissed him passionately, Void kissed me on the cheek before leaving.

Meanwhile, I arrived at Stiles's house where I'm expecting the pack to be, hopefully not. I walked in like nothing happened the day of the fight.

I walked upstairs to hear a keyboard being used. I followed the noise curiously to meet Stiles trying to find anything about killing a nogitsune.

I knocked on his bedroom door and smiled awkwardly,
" Hey, Stiles,"

He turned to look at me and shot up surprised and shocked. He pulled me into a hug which reminded me of Void so I hugged back.

He asked,
" Where have you been? I've been worried sick. I thought lost you Y/n, don't ever do that to me again,"

He noticed my wound on my stomach had healed completely and asked curiously,
" How have you healed so fast? You only got stabbed yesterday night,"

I looked down at my stomach and looked back up,
" The effect of being a siren,"

I looked over to his laptop to see lots of information about nogitsunes and how they die. I gulped,
" Have you found out anything about Nogitsunes?"

" no not yet, but we are planning on killing Void in 2 days, we're going to use Kira's Katana. "

My heart increased with anxiety when he said that. I'm not going to let that happen, over my dead body.
I smiled and lied,
" Okay, I just want him gone,"

Stiles nodded and went back to his business. I walked out of the room knowing I have to fight with Void. I called Ellen to tell her to drop my weapons and fighting gear off.

My dad, the one who adopted me, was a police officer and is part of a secret organisation. he is a top-level spy and he told me that I can use them whenever I want.

A few hours later, Ellen was at my front door since I gave the address. I opened the door and hugged her.
She smiled,
" I've missed you so much!"

She gave me a massive box full of guns, katana's, tazers, daggers, all the weapons you can think off. I pulled out a black fighting outfit that I wore all the time.

I hugged her goodbye and snuck the weapons in my room

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I hugged her goodbye and snuck the weapons in my room. Thankfully, Stiles and Noah, his dad, didn't notice.

I placed them under my bed and began to hide them with random stuff. I don't think I can practice fighting here so I'm going to train at Void's place, since he has lots of spare rooms.

Later that night, it was 9:00 pm and that was my time to strike. I slowly opened my window hoping it wouldn't make any noise and dropped the box on the floor.

It made a little rattle sound but thankfully it didn't wake anybody up. I began to climb out one leg after the other and jumped, I landed on my feet thanks to training and began to set off into the woods.

I'm not exactly sure where Void wanted us to meet in the forest, but what I do know is that he will find me. I began to walk around until I heard a twig snap behind me.

I turned around quickly and noticed it was Void. I dropped the box and ran over to him, I hugged him and kissed him passionately. I pulled away after a few seconds and he smiled at me.

He looked at the box and asked curiously,
" What's that?"

" Just some weapons I'm going to need to help you fight the pack, I have no room to train in Stiles's house so I'm going to train at yours. Is that okay?"

He nodded and pulled me back into him by the waist. I smirked at him as he leant in to kiss me again. I kissed back as he pulled me close, his arms gripped my waist.

Suddenly, we heard a twig snap behind us. We looked in the direction it came from and so no one.
He took my hand looking a but worried,
" Let's go to my place it doesn't feel safe out here,"

I nodded in agreement and ran back to his place. We arrived as I shut the doors behind me. I let out a sigh of relief and placed the box down.

" Is there a spare room I can borrow for my training stuff?"

" Yeah, there is one just on the left,"

I nodded and grabbed my things, I walked down a massive hallway until I turned left into a massive room that could fit an elephant in. I looked around in amazement and placed the box down.

I got out a mannequin which surprisingly fits in the box along with a punching bag. I hung it up in the middle of the room and placed the mannequin not too far from it.

I got out a target board and nailed it against the wall.
I turned around to see Void staring at me. I giggled,
" It's rude to stare you know,"

" Sorry it's hard, I mean look at you, you're my perfect girl,"

I giggled at his comment and finished nailing the target board to the wall. Void walked over to the big box and opened it. He pulled out one of my fightings outfits and smirked,
" Now I want to see you in this,"

I smiled,
" you can when we train tomorrow,"

I've decided to make a long chapter for you so thank you for staying. Please come if you are enjoying the story.

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